using UnityEngine; using Pathfinding.Serialization; namespace Pathfinding { /// Base class for GridNode and LevelGridNode public abstract class GridNodeBase : GraphNode { protected GridNodeBase (AstarPath astar) : base(astar) { } const int GridFlagsWalkableErosionOffset = 8; const int GridFlagsWalkableErosionMask = 1 << GridFlagsWalkableErosionOffset; const int GridFlagsWalkableTmpOffset = 9; const int GridFlagsWalkableTmpMask = 1 << GridFlagsWalkableTmpOffset; protected const int NodeInGridIndexLayerOffset = 24; protected const int NodeInGridIndexMask = 0xFFFFFF; /// /// Bitfield containing the x and z coordinates of the node as well as the layer (for layered grid graphs). /// See: NodeInGridIndex /// protected int nodeInGridIndex; protected ushort gridFlags; #if !ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS /// /// Custon non-grid connections from this node. /// See: /// See: /// /// This field is removed if the ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS compiler directive is used. /// Removing it can save a tiny bit of memory. You can enable the define in the Optimizations tab in the A* inspector. /// See: compiler-directives (view in online documentation for working links) /// /// Note: If you modify this array or the contents of it you must call . /// public Connection[] connections; #endif /// /// The index of the node in the grid. /// This is x + z*graph.width /// So you can get the X and Z indices using /// /// int index = node.NodeInGridIndex; /// int x = index % graph.width; /// int z = index / graph.width; /// // where graph is GridNode.GetGridGraph (node.graphIndex), i.e the graph the nodes are contained in. /// /// public int NodeInGridIndex { get { return nodeInGridIndex & NodeInGridIndexMask; } set { nodeInGridIndex = (nodeInGridIndex & ~NodeInGridIndexMask) | value; } } /// /// X coordinate of the node in the grid. /// The node in the bottom left corner has (x,z) = (0,0) and the one in the opposite /// corner has (x,z) = (width-1, depth-1) /// See: ZCoordInGrid /// See: NodeInGridIndex /// public int XCoordinateInGrid { get { return NodeInGridIndex % GridNode.GetGridGraph(GraphIndex).width; } } /// /// Z coordinate of the node in the grid. /// The node in the bottom left corner has (x,z) = (0,0) and the one in the opposite /// corner has (x,z) = (width-1, depth-1) /// See: XCoordInGrid /// See: NodeInGridIndex /// public int ZCoordinateInGrid { get { return NodeInGridIndex / GridNode.GetGridGraph(GraphIndex).width; } } /// /// Stores walkability before erosion is applied. /// Used internally when updating the graph. /// public bool WalkableErosion { get { return (gridFlags & GridFlagsWalkableErosionMask) != 0; } set { unchecked { gridFlags = (ushort)(gridFlags & ~GridFlagsWalkableErosionMask | (value ? (ushort)GridFlagsWalkableErosionMask : (ushort)0)); } } } /// Temporary variable used internally when updating the graph. public bool TmpWalkable { get { return (gridFlags & GridFlagsWalkableTmpMask) != 0; } set { unchecked { gridFlags = (ushort)(gridFlags & ~GridFlagsWalkableTmpMask | (value ? (ushort)GridFlagsWalkableTmpMask : (ushort)0)); } } } /// /// True if the node has grid connections to all its 8 neighbours. /// Note: This will always return false if GridGraph.neighbours is set to anything other than Eight. /// See: GetNeighbourAlongDirection /// public abstract bool HasConnectionsToAllEightNeighbours { get; } public override float SurfaceArea () { GridGraph gg = GridNode.GetGridGraph(GraphIndex); return gg.nodeSize*gg.nodeSize; } public override Vector3 RandomPointOnSurface () { GridGraph gg = GridNode.GetGridGraph(GraphIndex); var graphSpacePosition = gg.transform.InverseTransform((Vector3)position); return gg.transform.Transform(graphSpacePosition + new Vector3(Random.value - 0.5f, 0, Random.value - 0.5f)); } public override int GetGizmoHashCode () { var hash = base.GetGizmoHashCode(); #if !ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { hash ^= 17 * connections[i].GetHashCode(); } } #endif hash ^= 109 * gridFlags; return hash; } /// /// Adjacent grid node in the specified direction. /// This will return null if the node does not have a connection to a node /// in that direction. /// /// The dir parameter corresponds to directions in the grid as: /// /// Z /// | /// | /// /// 6 2 5 /// \ | / /// -- 3 - X - 1 ----- X /// / | \ /// 7 0 4 /// /// | /// | /// /// /// See: GetConnections /// public abstract GridNodeBase GetNeighbourAlongDirection(int direction); public override bool ContainsConnection (GraphNode node) { #if !ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node == node) { return true; } } } #endif for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (node == GetNeighbourAlongDirection(i)) { return true; } } return false; } #if ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS public override void AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost) { throw new System.NotImplementedException("GridNodes do not have support for adding manual connections with your current settings."+ "\nPlease disable ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS in the Optimizations tab in the A* Inspector"); } public override void RemoveConnection (GraphNode node) { throw new System.NotImplementedException("GridNodes do not have support for adding manual connections with your current settings."+ "\nPlease disable ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNECTIONS in the Optimizations tab in the A* Inspector"); } public void ClearCustomConnections (bool alsoReverse) { } #else /// Same as , but does not clear grid connections, only custom ones (e.g added by or a NodeLink component) public void ClearCustomConnections (bool alsoReverse) { if (connections != null) for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) connections[i].node.RemoveConnection(this); connections = null;; } public override void ClearConnections (bool alsoReverse) { ClearCustomConnections(alsoReverse); } public override void GetConnections (System.Action action) { if (connections != null) for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) action(connections[i].node); } public override void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) { ushort pid = handler.PathID; if (connections != null) for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { GraphNode other = connections[i].node; PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other); if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == pid) other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler); } } public override void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) { ushort pid = handler.PathID; if (connections != null) for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { GraphNode other = connections[i].node; if (!path.CanTraverse(other)) continue; PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other); uint tmpCost = connections[i].cost; if (otherPN.pathID != pid) { otherPN.parent = pathNode; otherPN.pathID = pid; otherPN.cost = tmpCost; otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other); otherPN.UpdateG(path); //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F); handler.heap.Add(otherPN); //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,; } else { // Sorry for the huge number of #ifs //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used #if ASTAR_NO_TRAVERSAL_COST if (pathNode.G+tmpCost < otherPN.G) #else if (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G) #endif { //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G); otherPN.cost = tmpCost; otherPN.parent = pathNode; other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler); } } } } /// /// Add a connection from this node to the specified node. /// If the connection already exists, the cost will simply be updated and /// no extra connection added. /// /// Note: Only adds a one-way connection. Consider calling the same function on the other node /// to get a two-way connection. /// public override void AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost) { if (node == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException(); if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node == node) { connections[i].cost = cost; return; } } } int connLength = connections != null ? connections.Length : 0; var newconns = new Connection[connLength+1]; for (int i = 0; i < connLength; i++) { newconns[i] = connections[i]; } newconns[connLength] = new Connection(node, cost); connections = newconns;; } /// /// Removes any connection from this node to the specified node. /// If no such connection exists, nothing will be done. /// /// Note: This only removes the connection from this node to the other node. /// You may want to call the same function on the other node to remove its eventual connection /// to this node. /// public override void RemoveConnection (GraphNode node) { if (connections == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node == node) { int connLength = connections.Length; var newconns = new Connection[connLength-1]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { newconns[j] = connections[j]; } for (int j = i+1; j < connLength; j++) { newconns[j-1] = connections[j]; } connections = newconns;; return; } } } public override void SerializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { // TODO: Deduplicate code if (connections == null) { ctx.writer.Write(-1); } else { ctx.writer.Write(connections.Length); for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { ctx.SerializeNodeReference(connections[i].node); ctx.writer.Write(connections[i].cost); } } } public override void DeserializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { // Grid nodes didn't serialize references before 3.8.3 if (ctx.meta.version < AstarSerializer.V3_8_3) return; int count = ctx.reader.ReadInt32(); if (count == -1) { connections = null; } else { connections = new Connection[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { connections[i] = new Connection(ctx.DeserializeNodeReference(), ctx.reader.ReadUInt32()); } } } #endif } }