using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Pathfinding {
/// GraphModifier is used for modifying graphs or processing graph data based on events.
/// This class is a simple container for a number of events.
/// Warning: Some events will be called both in play mode and in editor mode (at least the scan events).
/// So make sure your code handles both cases well. You may choose to ignore editor events.
/// See: Application.IsPlaying
public abstract class GraphModifier : VersionedMonoBehaviour {
/// All active graph modifiers
private static GraphModifier root;
private GraphModifier prev;
private GraphModifier next;
/// Unique persistent ID for this component, used for serialization
protected ulong uniqueID;
/// Maps persistent IDs to the component that uses it
protected static Dictionary usedIDs = new Dictionary();
protected static List GetModifiersOfType() where T : GraphModifier {
var current = root;
var result = new List();
while (current != null) {
var cast = current as T;
if (cast != null) result.Add(cast);
current =;
return result;
public static void FindAllModifiers () {
var allModifiers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GraphModifier)) as GraphModifier[];
for (int i = 0; i < allModifiers.Length; i++) {
if (allModifiers[i].enabled) allModifiers[i].OnEnable();
/// GraphModifier event type
public enum EventType {
PostScan = 1 << 0,
PreScan = 1 << 1,
LatePostScan = 1 << 2,
PreUpdate = 1 << 3,
PostUpdate = 1 << 4,
PostCacheLoad = 1 << 5
/// Triggers an event for all active graph modifiers
public static void TriggerEvent (GraphModifier.EventType type) {
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
GraphModifier c = root;
switch (type) {
case EventType.PreScan:
while (c != null) { c.OnPreScan(); c =; }
case EventType.PostScan:
while (c != null) { c.OnPostScan(); c =; }
case EventType.LatePostScan:
while (c != null) { c.OnLatePostScan(); c =; }
case EventType.PreUpdate:
while (c != null) { c.OnGraphsPreUpdate(); c =; }
case EventType.PostUpdate:
while (c != null) { c.OnGraphsPostUpdate(); c =; }
case EventType.PostCacheLoad:
while (c != null) { c.OnPostCacheLoad(); c =; }
/// Adds this modifier to list of active modifiers
protected virtual void OnEnable () {
/// Removes this modifier from list of active modifiers
protected virtual void OnDisable () {
protected override void Awake () {
void ConfigureUniqueID () {
// Check if any other object is using the same uniqueID
// In that case this object may have been duplicated
GraphModifier usedBy;
if (usedIDs.TryGetValue(uniqueID, out usedBy) && usedBy != this) {
usedIDs[uniqueID] = this;
void AddToLinkedList () {
if (root == null) {
root = this;
} else {
next = root;
root.prev = this;
root = this;
void RemoveFromLinkedList () {
if (root == this) {
root = next;
if (root != null) root.prev = null;
} else {
if (prev != null) = next;
if (next != null) next.prev = prev;
prev = null;
next = null;
protected virtual void OnDestroy () {
/// Called right after all graphs have been scanned.
/// FloodFill and other post processing has not been done.
/// Warning: Since OnEnable and Awake are called roughly in the same time, the only way
/// to ensure that these scripts get this call when scanning in Awake is to
/// set the Script Execution Order for AstarPath to some time later than default time
/// (see Edit -> Project Settings -> Script Execution Order).
/// TODO: Is this still relevant? A call to FindAllModifiers should have before this method is called
/// so the above warning is probably not relevant anymore.
/// See: OnLatePostScan
public virtual void OnPostScan () {}
/// Called right before graphs are going to be scanned.
/// Warning: Since OnEnable and Awake are called roughly in the same time, the only way
/// to ensure that these scripts get this call when scanning in Awake is to
/// set the Script Execution Order for AstarPath to some time later than default time
/// (see Edit -> Project Settings -> Script Execution Order).
/// TODO: Is this still relevant? A call to FindAllModifiers should have before this method is called
/// so the above warning is probably not relevant anymore.
/// See: OnLatePostScan
public virtual void OnPreScan () {}
/// Called at the end of the scanning procedure.
/// This is the absolute last thing done by Scan.
public virtual void OnLatePostScan () {}
/// Called after cached graphs have been loaded.
/// When using cached startup, this event is analogous to OnLatePostScan and implementing scripts
/// should do roughly the same thing for both events.
public virtual void OnPostCacheLoad () {}
/// Called before graphs are updated using GraphUpdateObjects
public virtual void OnGraphsPreUpdate () {}
/// Called after graphs have been updated using GraphUpdateObjects.
/// Eventual flood filling has been done
public virtual void OnGraphsPostUpdate () {}
protected override void Reset () {
// Create a new random 64 bit value (62 bit actually because we skip negative numbers, but that's still enough by a huge margin)
var rnd1 = (ulong)Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue);
var rnd2 = ((ulong)Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue) << 32);
uniqueID = rnd1 | rnd2;
usedIDs[uniqueID] = this;