using System.Threading; namespace Pathfinding { /// Queue of paths to be processed by the system class ThreadControlQueue { public class QueueTerminationException : System.Exception { } Path head; Path tail; readonly System.Object lockObj = new System.Object(); readonly int numReceivers; bool blocked; /// /// Number of receiver threads that are currently blocked. /// This is only modified while a thread has a lock on lockObj /// int blockedReceivers; /// /// True while head == null. /// This is only modified while a thread has a lock on lockObj /// bool starving; /// /// True after TerminateReceivers has been called. /// All receivers will be terminated when they next call Pop. /// bool terminate; ManualResetEvent block = new ManualResetEvent(true); /// /// Create a new queue with the specified number of receivers. /// It is important that the number of receivers is fixed. /// Properties like AllReceiversBlocked rely on knowing the exact number of receivers using the Pop (or PopNoBlock) methods. /// public ThreadControlQueue (int numReceivers) { this.numReceivers = numReceivers; } /// True if the queue is empty public bool IsEmpty { get { return head == null; } } /// True if TerminateReceivers has been called public bool IsTerminating { get { return terminate; } } /// Block queue, all calls to Pop will block until Unblock is called public void Block () { lock (lockObj) { blocked = true; block.Reset(); } } /// /// Unblock queue. /// Calls to Pop will not block anymore. /// See: Block /// public void Unblock () { lock (lockObj) { blocked = false; block.Set(); } } /// /// Aquires a lock on this queue. /// Must be paired with a call to /// public void Lock () { Monitor.Enter(lockObj); } /// Releases the lock on this queue public void Unlock () { Monitor.Exit(lockObj); } /// True if blocking and all receivers are waiting for unblocking public bool AllReceiversBlocked { get { lock (lockObj) { return blocked && blockedReceivers == numReceivers; } } } /// Push a path to the front of the queue public void PushFront (Path path) { lock (lockObj) { // If termination is due, why add stuff to a queue which will not be read from anyway if (terminate) return; if (tail == null) {// (tail == null) ==> (head == null) head = path; tail = path; if (starving && !blocked) { starving = false; block.Set(); } else { starving = false; } } else { = head; head = path; } } } /// Push a path to the end of the queue public void Push (Path path) { lock (lockObj) { // If termination is due, why add stuff to a queue which will not be read from anyway if (terminate) return; if (tail == null) {// (tail == null) ==> (head == null) head = path; tail = path; if (starving && !blocked) { starving = false; block.Set(); } else { starving = false; } } else { = path; tail = path; } } } void Starving () { starving = true; block.Reset(); } /// All calls to Pop and PopNoBlock will now generate exceptions public void TerminateReceivers () { lock (lockObj) { terminate = true; block.Set(); } } /// /// Pops the next item off the queue. /// This call will block if there are no items in the queue or if the queue is currently blocked. /// /// Returns: A Path object, guaranteed to be not null. /// \throws QueueTerminationException if has been called. /// \throws System.InvalidOperationException if more receivers get blocked than the fixed count sent to the constructor /// public Path Pop () { Monitor.Enter(lockObj); try { if (terminate) { blockedReceivers++; throw new QueueTerminationException(); } if (head == null) { Starving(); } while (blocked || starving) { blockedReceivers++; if (blockedReceivers > numReceivers) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("More receivers are blocked than specified in constructor ("+blockedReceivers + " > " + numReceivers+")"); } Monitor.Exit(lockObj); block.WaitOne(); Monitor.Enter(lockObj); if (terminate) { throw new QueueTerminationException(); } blockedReceivers--; if (head == null) { Starving(); } } Path p = head; var newHead =; if (newHead == null) { tail = null; } = null; head = newHead; return p; } finally { // Normally this only exits via a QueueTerminationException and will always be entered in that case. // However the thread may also be aborted using a ThreadAbortException which can happen at any time. // In particular if the Unity Editor recompiles scripts and is configured to exit play mode on recompilation // then it will apparently abort all threads before the AstarPath.OnDestroy method is called (which would have // cleaned up the threads gracefully). So we need to check if we actually hold the lock before releaseing it. if (Monitor.IsEntered(lockObj)) { Monitor.Exit(lockObj); } } } /// /// Call when a receiver was terminated in other ways than by a QueueTerminationException. /// /// After this call, the receiver should be dead and not call anything else in this class. /// public void ReceiverTerminated () { Monitor.Enter(lockObj); blockedReceivers++; Monitor.Exit(lockObj); } /// /// Pops the next item off the queue, this call will not block. /// To ensure stability, the caller must follow this pattern. /// 1. Call PopNoBlock(false), if a null value is returned, wait for a bit (e.g yield return null in a Unity coroutine) /// 2. try again with PopNoBlock(true), if still null, wait for a bit /// 3. Repeat from step 2. /// /// \throws QueueTerminationException if has been called. /// \throws System.InvalidOperationException if more receivers get blocked than the fixed count sent to the constructor /// public Path PopNoBlock (bool blockedBefore) { Monitor.Enter(lockObj); try { if (terminate) { blockedReceivers++; throw new QueueTerminationException(); } if (head == null) { Starving(); } if (blocked || starving) { if (!blockedBefore) { blockedReceivers++; if (terminate) throw new QueueTerminationException(); if (blockedReceivers == numReceivers) { //Last alive } else if (blockedReceivers > numReceivers) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("More receivers are blocked than specified in constructor ("+blockedReceivers + " > " + numReceivers+")"); } } return null; } if (blockedBefore) { blockedReceivers--; } Path p = head; var newHead =; if (newHead == null) { tail = null; } = null; head = newHead; return p; } finally { Monitor.Exit(lockObj); } } } }