using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace Pathfinding { using Pathfinding.Util; /// /// Connects two nodes with a direct connection. /// It is not possible to detect this link when following a path (which may be good or bad), for that you can use NodeLink2. /// /// [Open online documentation to see images] /// /// See: editing-graphs (view in online documentation for working links) /// [AddComponentMenu("Pathfinding/Link")] [HelpURL("")] public class NodeLink : GraphModifier { /// End position of the link public Transform end; /// /// The connection will be this times harder/slower to traverse. /// Note that values lower than one will not always make the pathfinder choose this path instead of another path even though this one should /// lead to a lower total cost unless you also adjust the Heuristic Scale in A* Inspector -> Settings -> Pathfinding or disable the heuristic altogether. /// public float costFactor = 1.0f; /// Make a one-way connection public bool oneWay = false; /// Delete existing connection instead of adding one public bool deleteConnection = false; public Transform Start { get { return transform; } } public Transform End { get { return end; } } public override void OnPostScan () { if ( { InternalOnPostScan(); } else { AstarWorkItem(force => { InternalOnPostScan(); return true; })); } } public void InternalOnPostScan () { Apply(); } public override void OnGraphsPostUpdate () { if (! { AstarWorkItem(force => { InternalOnPostScan(); return true; })); } } public virtual void Apply () { if (Start == null || End == null || == null) return; GraphNode startNode =; GraphNode endNode =; if (startNode == null || endNode == null) return; if (deleteConnection) { startNode.RemoveConnection(endNode); if (!oneWay) endNode.RemoveConnection(startNode); } else { uint cost = (uint)System.Math.Round((startNode.position-endNode.position).costMagnitude*costFactor); startNode.AddConnection(endNode, cost); if (!oneWay) endNode.AddConnection(startNode, cost); } } public void OnDrawGizmos () { if (Start == null || End == null) return; Draw.Gizmos.Bezier(Start.position, End.position, deleteConnection ? :; } #if UNITY_EDITOR [UnityEditor.MenuItem("Edit/Pathfinding/Link Pair %&l")] public static void LinkObjects () { Transform[] tfs = Selection.transforms; if (tfs.Length == 2) { LinkObjects(tfs[0], tfs[1], false); } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } [UnityEditor.MenuItem("Edit/Pathfinding/Unlink Pair %&u")] public static void UnlinkObjects () { Transform[] tfs = Selection.transforms; if (tfs.Length == 2) { LinkObjects(tfs[0], tfs[1], true); } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } [UnityEditor.MenuItem("Edit/Pathfinding/Delete Links on Selected %&b")] public static void DeleteLinks () { Transform[] tfs = Selection.transforms; for (int i = 0; i < tfs.Length; i++) { NodeLink[] conns = tfs[i].GetComponents(); for (int j = 0; j < conns.Length; j++) DestroyImmediate(conns[j]); } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } public static void LinkObjects (Transform a, Transform b, bool removeConnection) { NodeLink connecting = null; NodeLink[] conns = a.GetComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < conns.Length; i++) { if (conns[i].end == b) { connecting = conns[i]; break; } } conns = b.GetComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < conns.Length; i++) { if (conns[i].end == a) { connecting = conns[i]; break; } } if (removeConnection) { if (connecting != null) DestroyImmediate(connecting); } else { if (connecting == null) { connecting = a.gameObject.AddComponent(); connecting.end = b; } else { connecting.deleteConnection = !connecting.deleteConnection; } } } #endif } }