; Project configuration file [config] ; Hardware Serial baud rate ; Also available in the code as `MONITOR_SPEED` monitor_speed = 115200 ; Software Config ; note: additionnal flags are added by Platform.io (see total amount in `.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json` in the `defines` section) ; notworthy ones: ; __PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DEBUG__ = debug mode build_flags = ; DO NOT TOUCH --- START -D MONITOR_SPEED=${config.monitor_speed} ; DO NOT TOUCH --- END ; DHT pin and type ; 5v -D DHTTYPE=\"DHT11\" -D DHTPIN=2 ; ULTRASON pin ; 5v -D ULTRA_SOUND_TRIGD=12 -D ULTRA_SOUND_ECHO=13 ; API host url -D API_HOST=\"iot.epi.cb85.software\" ; trash can ID -D TRASHCAN_ONE=\"gdnuxl0wlgurtj3\"