2023-04-24 15:49:03 +02:00

377 lines
14 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace Pathfinding {
/// <summary>
/// Moves a grid graph to follow a target.
/// Attach this to some object in the scene and assign the target to e.g the player.
/// Then the graph will follow that object around as it moves.
/// This is useful if pathfinding is only necessary in a small region around an object (for example the player).
/// It makes it possible to have vast open worlds (maybe procedurally generated) and still be able to use pathfinding on them.
/// When the graph is moved you may notice an fps drop.
/// If this grows too large you can try a few things:
/// - Reduce the <see cref="updateDistance"/>. This will make the updates smaller but more frequent.
/// This only works to some degree however since an update has an inherent overhead.
/// - Reduce the grid size.
/// - Turn on multithreading (A* Inspector -> Settings)
/// - Disable Height Testing or Collision Testing in the grid graph. This can give a performance boost
/// since fewer calls to the physics engine need to be done.
/// - Avoid using any erosion in the grid graph settings. This is relatively slow.
/// This script has a built-in constant called <see cref="MaxMillisPerFrame"/> and it tries to not use any more
/// cpu time than that per frame.
/// Make sure you have 'Show Graphs' disabled in the A* inspector since gizmos in the scene view can take some
/// time to update when the graph moves and thus make it seem like this script is slower than it actually is.
/// See: Take a look at the example scene called "Procedural" for an example of how to use this script
/// Note: Using erosion on grid graphs can significantly lower the performance when updating graphs.
/// Each erosion iteration requires expanding the region that is updated by 1 node.
/// </summary>
public class ProceduralGridMover : VersionedMonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Graph will be updated if the target is more than this number of nodes from the graph center.
/// Note that this is in nodes, not world units.
/// Version: The unit was changed to nodes instead of world units in 3.6.8.
/// </summary>
public float updateDistance = 10;
/// <summary>Graph will be moved to follow this target</summary>
public Transform target;
/// <summary>Temporary buffer</summary>
GridNodeBase[] buffer;
/// <summary>True while the graph is being updated by this script</summary>
public bool updatingGraph { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Grid graph to update.
/// This will be set at Start based on <see cref="graphIndex"/>.
/// During runtime you may set this to any graph or to null to disable updates.
/// </summary>
public GridGraph graph;
/// <summary>
/// Index for the graph to update.
/// This will be used at Start to set <see cref="graph"/>.
/// This is an index into the AstarPath.active.data.graphs array.
/// </summary>
public int graphIndex;
void Start () {
if (AstarPath.active == null) throw new System.Exception("There is no AstarPath object in the scene");
// If one creates this component via a script then they may have already set the graph field.
// In that case don't replace it.
if (graph == null) {
if (graphIndex < 0) throw new System.Exception("Graph index should not be negative");
if (graphIndex >= AstarPath.active.data.graphs.Length) throw new System.Exception("The ProceduralGridMover was configured to use graph index " + graphIndex + ", but only " + AstarPath.active.data.graphs.Length + " graphs exist");
graph = AstarPath.active.data.graphs[graphIndex] as GridGraph;
if (graph == null) throw new System.Exception("The ProceduralGridMover was configured to use graph index " + graphIndex + " but that graph either does not exist or is not a GridGraph or LayerGridGraph");
/// <summary>Update is called once per frame</summary>
void Update () {
if (graph == null) return;
// Calculate where the graph center and the target position is in graph space
var graphCenterInGraphSpace = PointToGraphSpace(graph.center);
var targetPositionInGraphSpace = PointToGraphSpace(target.position);
// Check the distance in graph space
// We only care about the X and Z axes since the Y axis is the "height" coordinate of the nodes (in graph space)
// We only care about the plane that the nodes are placed in
if (VectorMath.SqrDistanceXZ(graphCenterInGraphSpace, targetPositionInGraphSpace) > updateDistance*updateDistance) {
/// <summary>
/// Transforms a point from world space to graph space.
/// In graph space, (0,0,0) is bottom left corner of the graph
/// and one unit along the X and Z axes equals distance between two nodes
/// the Y axis still uses world units
/// </summary>
Vector3 PointToGraphSpace (Vector3 p) {
// Multiply with the inverse matrix of the graph
// to get the point in graph space
return graph.transform.InverseTransform(p);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the graph asynchronously.
/// This will move the graph so that the target's position is the center of the graph.
/// If the graph is already being updated, the call will be ignored.
/// The image below shows which nodes will be updated when the graph moves.
/// The whole graph is not recalculated each time it is moved, but only those
/// nodes that have to be updated, the rest will keep their old values.
/// The image is a bit simplified but it shows the main idea.
/// [Open online documentation to see images]
/// If you want to move the graph synchronously then call
/// <code> AstarPath.active.FlushWorkItems(); </code>
/// Immediately after you have called this method.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateGraph () {
if (updatingGraph) {
// We are already updating the graph
// so ignore this call
updatingGraph = true;
// Start a work item for updating the graph
// This will pause the pathfinding threads
// so that it is safe to update the graph
// and then do it over several frames
// (hence the IEnumerator coroutine)
// to avoid too large FPS drops
IEnumerator ie = UpdateGraphCoroutine();
AstarPath.active.AddWorkItem(new AstarWorkItem(
(context, force) => {
// If force is true we need to calculate all steps at once
if (force) while (ie.MoveNext()) {}
// Calculate one step. False will be returned when there are no more steps
bool done;
try {
done = !ie.MoveNext();
} catch (System.Exception e) {
// The code MAY throw an exception in rare circumstances if for example the user
// changes the width of the graph in the inspector while an update is being performed
// at the same time. So lets just fail in that case and retry later.
Debug.LogException(e, this);
done = true;
if (done) {
updatingGraph = false;
return done;
/// <summary>Async method for moving the graph</summary>
IEnumerator UpdateGraphCoroutine () {
// Find the direction that we want to move the graph in.
// Calcuculate this in graph space (where a distance of one is the size of one node)
Vector3 dir = PointToGraphSpace(target.position) - PointToGraphSpace(graph.center);
// Snap to a whole number of nodes
dir.x = Mathf.Round(dir.x);
dir.z = Mathf.Round(dir.z);
dir.y = 0;
// Nothing do to
if (dir == Vector3.zero) yield break;
// Number of nodes to offset in each direction
Int2 offset = new Int2(-Mathf.RoundToInt(dir.x), -Mathf.RoundToInt(dir.z));
// Move the center (this is in world units, so we need to convert it back from graph space)
graph.center += graph.transform.TransformVector(dir);
// Cache some variables for easier access
int width = graph.width;
int depth = graph.depth;
GridNodeBase[] nodes;
// Layers are required when handling LayeredGridGraphs
int layers = graph.LayerCount;
nodes = graph.nodes;
// Create a temporary buffer required for the calculations
if (buffer == null || buffer.Length != width*depth) {
buffer = new GridNodeBase[width*depth];
// Check if we have moved less than a whole graph width all directions
// If we have moved more than this we can just as well recalculate the whole graph
if (Mathf.Abs(offset.x) <= width && Mathf.Abs(offset.y) <= depth) {
IntRect recalculateRect = new IntRect(0, 0, offset.x, offset.y);
// If offset.x < 0, adjust the rect
if (recalculateRect.xmin > recalculateRect.xmax) {
int tmp2 = recalculateRect.xmax;
recalculateRect.xmax = width + recalculateRect.xmin;
recalculateRect.xmin = width + tmp2;
// If offset.y < 0, adjust the rect
if (recalculateRect.ymin > recalculateRect.ymax) {
int tmp2 = recalculateRect.ymax;
recalculateRect.ymax = depth + recalculateRect.ymin;
recalculateRect.ymin = depth + tmp2;
// Connections need to be recalculated for the neighbours as well, so we need to expand the rect by 1
var connectionRect = recalculateRect.Expand(1);
// Makes sure the rect stays inside the grid
connectionRect = IntRect.Intersection(connectionRect, new IntRect(0, 0, width, depth));
// Offset each node by the #offset variable
// nodes which would end up outside the graph
// will wrap around to the other side of it
for (int l = 0; l < layers; l++) {
int layerOffset = l*width*depth;
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
int pz = z*width;
int tz = ((z+offset.y + depth)%depth)*width;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
buffer[tz + ((x+offset.x + width) % width)] = nodes[layerOffset + pz + x];
yield return null;
// Copy the nodes back to the graph
// and set the correct indices
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
int pz = z*width;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int newIndex = pz + x;
var node = buffer[newIndex];
if (node != null) node.NodeInGridIndex = newIndex;
nodes[layerOffset + newIndex] = node;
// Calculate the limits for the region that has been wrapped
// to the other side of the graph
int xmin, xmax;
if (z >= recalculateRect.ymin && z < recalculateRect.ymax) {
xmin = 0;
xmax = depth;
} else {
xmin = recalculateRect.xmin;
xmax = recalculateRect.xmax;
for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
var node = buffer[pz + x];
if (node != null) {
// Clear connections on all nodes that are wrapped and placed on the other side of the graph.
// This is both to clear any custom connections (which do not really make sense after moving the node)
// and to prevent possible exceptions when the node will later (possibly) be destroyed because it was
// not needed anymore (only for layered grid graphs).
yield return null;
// The calculation will only update approximately this number of
// nodes per frame. This is used to keep CPU load per frame low
int yieldEvery = 1000;
// To avoid the update taking too long, make yieldEvery somewhat proportional to the number of nodes that we are going to update
int approxNumNodesToUpdate = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(offset.x), Mathf.Abs(offset.y)) * Mathf.Max(width, depth);
yieldEvery = Mathf.Max(yieldEvery, approxNumNodesToUpdate/10);
int counter = 0;
// Recalculate the nodes
// Take a look at the image in the docs for the UpdateGraph method
// to see which nodes are being recalculated.
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
int xmin, xmax;
if (z >= recalculateRect.ymin && z < recalculateRect.ymax) {
xmin = 0;
xmax = width;
} else {
xmin = recalculateRect.xmin;
xmax = recalculateRect.xmax;
for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
graph.RecalculateCell(x, z, false, false);
counter += (xmax - xmin);
if (counter > yieldEvery) {
counter = 0;
yield return null;
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
int xmin, xmax;
if (z >= connectionRect.ymin && z < connectionRect.ymax) {
xmin = 0;
xmax = width;
} else {
xmin = connectionRect.xmin;
xmax = connectionRect.xmax;
for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);
counter += (xmax - xmin);
if (counter > yieldEvery) {
counter = 0;
yield return null;
yield return null;
// Calculate all connections for the nodes along the boundary
// of the graph, these always need to be updated
/// <summary>TODO: Optimize to not traverse all nodes in the graph, only those at the edges</summary>
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (x == 0 || z == 0 || x == width-1 || z == depth-1) graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);
} else {
// The calculation will only update approximately this number of
// nodes per frame. This is used to keep CPU load per frame low
int yieldEvery = Mathf.Max(depth*width / 20, 1000);
int counter = 0;
// Just update all nodes
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
graph.RecalculateCell(x, z);
counter += width;
if (counter > yieldEvery) {
counter = 0;
yield return null;
// Recalculate the connections of all nodes
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);
counter += width;
if (counter > yieldEvery) {
counter = 0;
yield return null;