; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; WARNING: Items containing version number MUST be the version NOT A RANGE ; Additionnal files ; `secrets.ini`: Secret Build Flags that will be ignored in git (content: `[secrets]\nbuild_flags = `) ; `envs.ini`: Build environments ; `config.ini`: Global Configuration File ; Defaults [secrets] build_flags = [platformio] default_envs = debug extra_configs = secrets.ini config.ini envs.ini ; Cache folder build_cache_dir = ./.pio/cache [env] ; build Envs build_flags = ${config.build_flags} ${secrets.build_flags} ; Add scripts for more functionnalities ; see individual scripts for more informations extra_scripts = pre:scripts/get_additionnal_envs.py ; Device Settings (make sure to fix versions where possible!) platform = espressif32@4.2.0 board = m5stack-core-esp32 framework = arduino ; Monitoring settings monitor_speed = ${config.monitor_speed} ; note: make sure to rebuild after changing it (log2file add a .log file containing the monitor logs) monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder, time, send_on_enter, default ;, log2file ; Ask the monitor to echo the content written monitor_echo = yes ; upload settings ; upload_port = COM1 upload_speed = 921600 ; librairies (make sure to fix versions where possible!) lib_deps = bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^6.21.3 m5stack/M5Stack@^0.4.5 m5stack/M5GFX@^0.1.9 ; example: ; erropix/ESP32 AnalogWrite@0.2 ; Checker settings check_tool = clangtidy, cppcheck ; Filters for checkers check_src_filters = + + + + -<.pio/> ; Ask pio to not scan `./.pio` files check_skip_packages = yes ; use config files for clangtidy and cppcheck check_flags = clangtidy: --config-file=.clang-tidy cppcheck: --project=config.cppcheck --inline-suppr -i=".pio"