; Project configuration file [config] ; Hardware Serial baud rate ; Also available in the code as `MONITOR_SPEED` monitor_speed = 115200 ; Software Config ; note: additionnal flags are added by Platform.io (see total amount in `.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json` in the `defines` section) ; notworthy ones: ; __PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DEBUG__ = debug mode build_flags = ; DO NOT TOUCH --- START -D MONITOR_SPEED=${config.monitor_speed} ; DO NOT TOUCH --- END -D EXAMPLE_NUMBER=69 -D DHT_PIN=D4 -D DHT_TYPE=DHT11 -D BMS180_SDA=D2 -D BMS180_SCL=D1 -D G_CLK=D5 -D G_MISO=D6 -D G_MOSI=D7 -D SD_CS=D8 -D LORA_CS=D3 -D LORA_IO0=RX ; FARM DATA RELAY SYSTEM ; Sensor Configuration -D FDRS_DEBUG ; allow FARM DATA serial debuging -D RADIOLIB_DEBUG ; allow Radio serial debuging ; sensor ID -D READING_ID=2 ; Address of the gateway -D GTWY_MAC=0x01 ; uncomment to use ; -D USE_ESPNOW ; comunicate with ESPNow -D USE_LORA ; communicate with LoRa -D DEEP_SLEEP ; use deep sleep ; -D POWER_CTRL=14 ; LoRa Configuration -D RADIOLIB_MODULE=SX1278 -D LORA_SS=LORA_CS -D LORA_RST=17 -D LORA_DIO=RX -D LORA_BUSY=RADIOLIB_NC ; -D USE_SX126X -D LORA_TXPWR=20 ; LoRa TX power in dBm (: +2dBm - +17dBm (for SX1276-7) +20dBm (for SX1278)) -D LORA_ACK ; Request LoRa acknowledgment. -D LORA_SPI_SCK=G_CLK -D LORA_SPI_MISO=G_MISO -D LORA_SPI_MOSI=G_MOSI -D LORA_FREQUENCY=433