make register and login to layout
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import type { CallToAction as Props } from '~/types';
const {
variant = 'secondary',
text = Astro.slots.render('default'),
icon = '',
class: className = '',
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ const variants = {
class={twMerge(variants[variant] || '', className)}
{...(target ? { target: target, rel: 'noopener noreferrer' } : {})}
{...(link ? { href: link} : {})}
<Fragment set:html={text} />
@ -1,166 +1,173 @@
import { Icon } from 'astro-icon/components';
import Logo from '~/components/Logo.astro';
import ToggleTheme from '~/components/common/ToggleTheme.astro';
import ToggleMenu from '~/components/common/ToggleMenu.astro';
import Button from '~/components/ui/Button.astro';
import { Icon } from 'astro-icon/components'
import Logo from 'components/Logo.astro'
import ToggleTheme from 'components/common/ToggleTheme.astro'
import ToggleMenu from 'components/common/ToggleMenu.astro'
import Button from 'components/ui/Button.astro'
import { getHomePermalink } from '~/utils/permalinks';
import { trimSlash, getAsset } from '~/utils/permalinks';
import type { CallToAction } from '~/types';
import { getHomePermalink } from 'utils/permalinks'
import { trimSlash, getAsset } from 'utils/permalinks'
import type { CallToAction } from 'types'
const pb = Astro.locals.pb
const connected = pb.authStore.isValid
interface Link {
text?: string;
href?: string;
ariaLabel?: string;
icon?: string;
text?: string
href?: string
ariaLabel?: string
icon?: string
interface ActionLink extends CallToAction {}
interface MenuLink extends Link {
links?: Array<MenuLink>;
links?: Array<MenuLink>
export interface Props {
id?: string;
links?: Array<MenuLink>;
actions?: Array<ActionLink>;
isSticky?: boolean;
isDark?: boolean;
isFullWidth?: boolean;
showToggleTheme?: boolean;
showRssFeed?: boolean;
position?: string;
id?: string
links?: Array<MenuLink>
actions?: Array<ActionLink>
isSticky?: boolean
isDark?: boolean
isFullWidth?: boolean
showToggleTheme?: boolean
showRssFeed?: boolean
position?: string
const {
id = 'header',
links = [],
actions = [],
isSticky = false,
isDark = false,
isFullWidth = false,
showToggleTheme = false,
showRssFeed = false,
position = 'center',
} = Astro.props;
id = 'header',
links = [],
actions = [],
isSticky = false,
isDark = false,
isFullWidth = false,
showToggleTheme = false,
showRssFeed = false,
position = 'center',
} = Astro.props
const currentPath = `/${trimSlash(new URL(Astro.url).pathname)}`;
const currentPath = `/${trimSlash(new URL(Astro.url).pathname)}`
{ sticky: isSticky, relative: !isSticky, dark: isDark },
'top-0 z-40 flex-none mx-auto w-full border-b border-gray-50/0 transition-[opacity] ease-in-out',
{...isSticky ? { 'data-aw-sticky-header': true } : {}}
{ ? { id } : {}}
{ sticky: isSticky, relative: !isSticky, dark: isDark },
'top-0 z-40 flex-none mx-auto w-full border-b border-gray-50/0 transition-[opacity] ease-in-out',
{...isSticky ? { 'data-aw-sticky-header': true } : {}}
{ ? { id } : {}}
<div class="absolute inset-0"></div>
'relative text-default py-3 px-3 md:px-6 mx-auto w-full',
'md:flex md:justify-between': position !== 'center',
'md:grid md:grid-cols-3 md:items-center': position === 'center',
'max-w-7xl': !isFullWidth,
<div class:list={[{ 'mr-auto rtl:mr-0 rtl:ml-auto': position === 'right' }, 'flex justify-between']}>
<a class="flex items-center" href={getHomePermalink()}>
<Logo />
<div class="flex items-center md:hidden">
<ToggleMenu />
class="items-center w-full md:w-auto hidden md:flex md:mx-5 text-default overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden md:overflow-y-visible md:overflow-x-auto md:justify-self-center"
aria-label="Main navigation"
class="flex flex-col md:flex-row md:self-center w-full md:w-auto text-xl md:text-[0.9375rem] tracking-[0.01rem] font-medium md:justify-center"
||||{ text, href, links }) => (
<li class={links?.length ? 'dropdown' : ''}>
{links?.length ? (
<button type="button" class="hover:text-link dark:hover:text-white px-4 py-3 flex items-center">
{text}{' '}
<Icon name="tabler:chevron-down" class="w-3.5 h-3.5 ml-0.5 rtl:ml-0 rtl:mr-0.5 hidden md:inline" />
<ul class="dropdown-menu md:backdrop-blur-md dark:md:bg-dark rounded md:absolute pl-4 md:pl-0 md:hidden font-medium md:bg-white/90 md:min-w-[200px] drop-shadow-xl">
{{ text: text2, href: href2 }) => (
'first:rounded-t last:rounded-b md:hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-link dark:hover:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700 py-2 px-5 block whitespace-no-wrap',
{ 'aw-link-active': href2 === currentPath },
) : (
'hover:text-link dark:hover:text-white px-4 py-3 flex items-center',
{ 'aw-link-active': href === currentPath },
{ 'ml-auto rtl:ml-0 rtl:mr-auto': position === 'left' },
'hidden md:self-center md:flex items-center md:mb-0 fixed w-full md:w-auto md:static justify-end left-0 rtl:left-auto rtl:right-0 bottom-0 p-3 md:p-0 md:justify-self-end',
<div class="items-center flex justify-between w-full md:w-auto">
<div class="flex">
{showToggleTheme && <ToggleTheme iconClass="w-6 h-6 md:w-5 md:h-5 md:inline-block" />}
showRssFeed && (
class="text-muted dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-gray-200 dark:focus:ring-gray-700 rounded-lg text-sm p-2.5 inline-flex items-center"
aria-label="RSS Feed"
<Icon name="tabler:rss" class="w-5 h-5" />
actions?.length ? (
<span class="ml-4 rtl:ml-0 rtl:mr-4">
{ => (
<Button {...btnProps} class="ml-2 py-2.5 px-5.5 md:px-6 font-semibold shadow-none text-sm w-auto" />
) : (
<div class="absolute inset-0"></div>
'relative text-default py-3 px-3 md:px-6 mx-auto w-full',
'md:flex md:justify-between': position !== 'center',
'md:grid md:grid-cols-3 md:items-center': position === 'center',
'max-w-7xl': !isFullWidth,
<div class:list={[{ 'mr-auto rtl:mr-0 rtl:ml-auto': position === 'right' }, 'flex justify-between']}>
<a class="flex items-center" href={getHomePermalink()}>
<Logo />
<div class="flex items-center md:hidden">
<ToggleMenu />
class="items-center w-full md:w-auto hidden md:flex md:mx-5 text-default overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden md:overflow-y-visible md:overflow-x-auto md:justify-self-center"
aria-label="Main navigation"
class="flex flex-col md:flex-row md:self-center w-full md:w-auto text-xl md:text-[0.9375rem] tracking-[0.01rem] font-medium md:justify-center"
||||{ text, href, links }) => (
<li class={links?.length ? 'dropdown' : ''}>
{links?.length ? (
<button type="button" class="hover:text-link dark:hover:text-white px-4 py-3 flex items-center">
{text}{' '}
<Icon name="tabler:chevron-down" class="w-3.5 h-3.5 ml-0.5 rtl:ml-0 rtl:mr-0.5 hidden md:inline" />
<ul class="dropdown-menu md:backdrop-blur-md dark:md:bg-dark rounded md:absolute pl-4 md:pl-0 md:hidden font-medium md:bg-white/90 md:min-w-[200px] drop-shadow-xl">
{{ text: text2, href: href2 }) => (
'first:rounded-t last:rounded-b md:hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-link dark:hover:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700 py-2 px-5 block whitespace-no-wrap',
{ 'aw-link-active': href2 === currentPath },
) : (
'hover:text-link dark:hover:text-white px-4 py-3 flex items-center',
{ 'aw-link-active': href === currentPath },
{ 'ml-auto rtl:ml-0 rtl:mr-auto': position === 'left' },
'hidden md:self-center md:flex items-center md:mb-0 fixed w-full md:w-auto md:static justify-end left-0 rtl:left-auto rtl:right-0 bottom-0 p-3 md:p-0 md:justify-self-end',
<div class="items-center flex justify-between w-full md:w-auto">
<div class="flex">
{showToggleTheme && <ToggleTheme iconClass="w-6 h-6 md:w-5 md:h-5 md:inline-block" />}
showRssFeed && (
class="text-muted dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-gray-200 dark:focus:ring-gray-700 rounded-lg text-sm p-2.5 inline-flex items-center"
aria-label="RSS Feed"
<Icon name="tabler:rss" class="w-5 h-5" />
{ !connected && (
<span class="ml-4 rtl:ml-0 rtl:mr-4">
<Button link='/account/login' variant='primary' class="ml-2 py-2.5 px-5.5 md:px-6 font-semibold shadow-none text-sm w-auto">
<Button link='/account/register' variant='secondary' class="ml-2 py-2.5 px-5.5 md:px-6 font-semibold shadow-none text-sm w-auto">
{ connected && (
<Button link='/account/logout' variant='primary' class="ml-2 py-2.5 px-5.5 md:px-6 font-semibold shadow-none text-sm w-auto">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ const { metadata } = Astro.props;
<Announcement />
</slot> -->
<slot name="header">
<Header {...headerData} isSticky showRssFeed showToggleTheme />
<Header {...headerData} isSticky showToggleTheme />
<slot />
@ -1,183 +1,166 @@
import { getPermalink, getBlogPermalink, getAsset } from './utils/permalinks';
import { getPermalink, getBlogPermalink } from './utils/permalinks'
export const headerData = {
links: [
text: 'Homes',
links: [
text: 'SaaS',
href: getPermalink('/homes/saas'),
text: 'Startup',
href: getPermalink('/homes/startup'),
text: 'Mobile App',
href: getPermalink('/homes/mobile-app'),
text: 'Personal',
href: getPermalink('/homes/personal'),
text: 'Pages',
links: [
text: 'Features (Anchor Link)',
href: getPermalink('/#features'),
text: 'Services',
href: getPermalink('/services'),
text: 'Pricing',
href: getPermalink('/pricing'),
text: 'About us',
href: getPermalink('/about'),
text: 'Contact',
href: getPermalink('/contact'),
text: 'Terms',
href: getPermalink('/terms'),
text: 'Privacy policy',
href: getPermalink('/privacy'),
text: 'Landing',
links: [
text: 'Lead Generation',
href: getPermalink('/landing/lead-generation'),
text: 'Long-form Sales',
href: getPermalink('/landing/sales'),
text: 'Click-Through',
href: getPermalink('/landing/click-through'),
text: 'Product Details (or Services)',
href: getPermalink('/landing/product'),
text: 'Coming Soon or Pre-Launch',
href: getPermalink('/landing/pre-launch'),
text: 'Subscription',
href: getPermalink('/landing/subscription'),
text: 'Blog',
links: [
text: 'Blog List',
href: getBlogPermalink(),
text: 'Article',
href: getPermalink('get-started-website-with-astro-tailwind-css', 'post'),
text: 'Article (with MDX)',
href: getPermalink('markdown-elements-demo-post', 'post'),
text: 'Category Page',
href: getPermalink('tutorials', 'category'),
text: 'Tag Page',
href: getPermalink('astro', 'tag'),
text: 'Widgets',
href: '#',
actions: [{ text: 'Download', href: '', target: '_blank' }],
links: [
text: 'Homes',
links: [
text: 'SaaS',
href: getPermalink('/homes/saas'),
text: 'Startup',
href: getPermalink('/homes/startup'),
text: 'Mobile App',
href: getPermalink('/homes/mobile-app'),
text: 'Personal',
href: getPermalink('/homes/personal'),
text: 'Pages',
links: [
text: 'Features (Anchor Link)',
href: getPermalink('/#features'),
text: 'Services',
href: getPermalink('/services'),
text: 'Pricing',
href: getPermalink('/pricing'),
text: 'About us',
href: getPermalink('/about'),
text: 'Contact',
href: getPermalink('/contact'),
text: 'Terms',
href: getPermalink('/terms'),
text: 'Privacy policy',
href: getPermalink('/privacy'),
text: 'Landing',
links: [
text: 'Lead Generation',
href: getPermalink('/landing/lead-generation'),
text: 'Long-form Sales',
href: getPermalink('/landing/sales'),
text: 'Click-Through',
href: getPermalink('/landing/click-through'),
text: 'Product Details (or Services)',
href: getPermalink('/landing/product'),
text: 'Coming Soon or Pre-Launch',
href: getPermalink('/landing/pre-launch'),
text: 'Subscription',
href: getPermalink('/landing/subscription'),
text: 'Blog',
links: [
text: 'Blog List',
href: getBlogPermalink(),
text: 'Article',
href: getPermalink(
text: 'Article (with MDX)',
href: getPermalink('markdown-elements-demo-post', 'post'),
text: 'Category Page',
href: getPermalink('tutorials', 'category'),
text: 'Tag Page',
href: getPermalink('astro', 'tag'),
text: 'Widgets',
href: '#',
// actions: [
// {
// text: 'Connexion',
// href: '',
// target: '_blank',
// },
// ],
export const footerData = {
links: [
title: 'Product',
links: [
{ text: 'Features', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Security', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Team', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Enterprise', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Customer stories', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Pricing', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Resources', href: '#' },
title: 'Platform',
links: [
{ text: 'Developer API', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Partners', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Atom', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Electron', href: '#' },
{ text: 'AstroWind Desktop', href: '#' },
title: 'Support',
links: [
{ text: 'Docs', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Community Forum', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Professional Services', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Skills', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Status', href: '#' },
title: 'Company',
links: [
{ text: 'About', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Blog', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Careers', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Press', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Inclusion', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Social Impact', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Shop', href: '#' },
secondaryLinks: [
{ text: 'Terms', href: getPermalink('/terms') },
{ text: 'Privacy Policy', href: getPermalink('/privacy') },
socialLinks: [
{ ariaLabel: 'X', icon: 'tabler:brand-x', href: '#' },
{ ariaLabel: 'Instagram', icon: 'tabler:brand-instagram', href: '#' },
{ ariaLabel: 'Facebook', icon: 'tabler:brand-facebook', href: '#' },
{ ariaLabel: 'RSS', icon: 'tabler:rss', href: getAsset('/rss.xml') },
{ ariaLabel: 'Github', icon: 'tabler:brand-github', href: '' },
footNote: `
<img class="w-5 h-5 md:w-6 md:h-6 md:-mt-0.5 bg-cover mr-1.5 rtl:mr-0 rtl:ml-1.5 float-left rtl:float-right rounded-sm" src="" alt="onWidget logo" loading="lazy"></img>
Made by <a class="text-blue-600 underline dark:text-muted" href=""> onWidget</a> · All rights reserved.
links: [
title: 'Product',
links: [
{ text: 'Features', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Security', href: '#' },
title: 'Platform',
links: [
{ text: 'Developer API', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Partners', href: '#' },
title: 'Support',
links: [
{ text: 'Docs', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Community Forum', href: '#' },
title: 'Company',
links: [
{ text: 'About', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Blog', href: '#' },
secondaryLinks: [
{ text: 'Terms', href: getPermalink('/terms') },
{ text: 'Privacy Policy', href: getPermalink('/privacy') },
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Layout from 'layouts/Layout.astro'
import Layout from 'layouts/PageLayout.astro';
//import Layout from 'layouts/Layout.astro';
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase'
@ -11,11 +12,12 @@ if(!auth.isValid){
return Astro.redirect("/account/login");
const metadata = {
title: 'Account',
ignoreTitleTemplate: true,
<Layout title="Account setting">
<Layout metadata={metadata}>
<h1>Bonjour {user!.username}</h1>
<a href="/account/logout">deconnexion</a>
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Layout from "layouts/Layout.astro";
import Layout from 'layouts/PageLayout.astro';
//import Layout from 'layouts/Layout.astro';
import AstroUtils from "libs/AstroUtils";
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase'
@ -29,9 +30,14 @@ const res = await AstroUtils.wrap(async () => {
return Astro.redirect("/account/login");// route('/account/login', {message: 'Compte invalide, valider les identifiants'})) //XXX: comprendre comment le system de route fonctionne
const metadata = {
title: 'Login',
ignoreTitleTemplate: true,
<Layout title="login">
<Layout metadata={metadata}>
<form id="account-creation" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input required name="username" placeholder="Pseudo ou email"/>
<input required name="password" type="password" placeholder="Mot de passe" />
@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ if(pb.authStore.isValid){
return Astro.redirect('/account/login')
return Astro.redirect('/')
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ await AstroUtils.wrap(async () => {
const metadata = {
title: 'register',
title: 'Register',
ignoreTitleTemplate: true,
@ -1,288 +1,288 @@
import type { AstroComponentFactory } from 'astro/runtime/server/index.js';
import type { HTMLAttributes, ImageMetadata } from 'astro/types';
import type { AstroComponentFactory } from 'astro/runtime/server/index.js'
import type { HTMLAttributes, ImageMetadata } from 'astro/types'
export interface Post {
/** A unique ID number that identifies a post. */
id: string;
id: string
/** A post’s unique slug – part of the post’s URL based on its name, i.e. a post called “My Sample Page” has a slug “my-sample-page”. */
slug: string;
slug: string
/** */
permalink: string;
permalink: string
/** */
publishDate: Date;
publishDate: Date
/** */
updateDate?: Date;
updateDate?: Date
/** */
title: string;
title: string
/** Optional summary of post content. */
excerpt?: string;
excerpt?: string
/** */
image?: ImageMetadata | string;
image?: ImageMetadata | string
/** */
category?: Taxonomy;
category?: Taxonomy
/** */
tags?: Taxonomy[];
tags?: Taxonomy[]
/** */
author?: string;
author?: string
/** */
metadata?: MetaData;
metadata?: MetaData
/** */
draft?: boolean;
draft?: boolean
/** */
Content?: AstroComponentFactory;
content?: string;
Content?: AstroComponentFactory
content?: string
/** */
readingTime?: number;
readingTime?: number
export interface Taxonomy {
slug: string;
title: string;
slug: string
title: string
export interface MetaData {
title?: string;
ignoreTitleTemplate?: boolean;
title?: string
ignoreTitleTemplate?: boolean
canonical?: string;
canonical?: string
robots?: MetaDataRobots;
robots?: MetaDataRobots
description?: string;
description?: string
openGraph?: MetaDataOpenGraph;
twitter?: MetaDataTwitter;
openGraph?: MetaDataOpenGraph
twitter?: MetaDataTwitter
export interface MetaDataRobots {
index?: boolean;
follow?: boolean;
index?: boolean
follow?: boolean
export interface MetaDataImage {
url: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
url: string
width?: number
height?: number
export interface MetaDataOpenGraph {
url?: string;
siteName?: string;
images?: Array<MetaDataImage>;
locale?: string;
type?: string;
url?: string
siteName?: string
images?: Array<MetaDataImage>
locale?: string
type?: string
export interface MetaDataTwitter {
handle?: string;
site?: string;
cardType?: string;
handle?: string
site?: string
cardType?: string
export interface Image {
src: string;
alt?: string;
src: string
alt?: string
export interface Video {
src: string;
type?: string;
src: string
type?: string
export interface Widget {
id?: string;
isDark?: boolean;
bg?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>;
id?: string
isDark?: boolean
bg?: string
classes?: Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>
export interface Headline {
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
tagline?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
title?: string
subtitle?: string
tagline?: string
classes?: Record<string, string>
interface TeamMember {
name?: string;
job?: string;
image?: Image;
socials?: Array<Social>;
description?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
name?: string
job?: string
image?: Image
socials?: Array<Social>
description?: string
classes?: Record<string, string>
interface Social {
icon?: string;
href?: string;
icon?: string
href?: string
export interface Stat {
amount?: number | string;
title?: string;
icon?: string;
amount?: number | string
title?: string
icon?: string
export interface Item {
title?: string;
description?: string;
icon?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
callToAction?: CallToAction;
image?: Image;
title?: string
description?: string
icon?: string
classes?: Record<string, string>
callToAction?: CallToAction
image?: Image
export interface Price {
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
description?: string;
price?: number | string;
period?: string;
items?: Array<Item>;
callToAction?: CallToAction;
hasRibbon?: boolean;
ribbonTitle?: string;
title?: string
subtitle?: string
description?: string
price?: number | string
period?: string
items?: Array<Item>
callToAction?: CallToAction
hasRibbon?: boolean
ribbonTitle?: string
export interface Testimonial {
title?: string;
testimonial?: string;
name?: string;
job?: string;
image?: string | unknown;
title?: string
testimonial?: string
name?: string
job?: string
image?: string | unknown
export interface Input {
type: HTMLInputTypeAttribute;
name: string;
label?: string;
autocomplete?: string;
placeholder?: string;
type: HTMLInputTypeAttribute
name: string
label?: string
autocomplete?: string
placeholder?: string
export interface Textarea {
label?: string;
name?: string;
placeholder?: string;
rows?: number;
label?: string
name?: string
placeholder?: string
rows?: number
export interface Disclaimer {
label?: string;
label?: string
export interface CallToAction extends Omit<HTMLAttributes<'a'>, 'slot'> {
variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'tertiary' | 'link';
text?: string;
icon?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset';
variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'tertiary' | 'link'
text?: string
icon?: string
classes?: Record<string, string>
type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'
export interface ItemGrid {
items?: Array<Item>;
columns?: number;
defaultIcon?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
items?: Array<Item>
columns?: number
defaultIcon?: string
classes?: Record<string, string>
export interface Collapse {
iconUp?: string;
iconDown?: string;
items?: Array<Item>;
columns?: number;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
iconUp?: string
iconDown?: string
items?: Array<Item>
columns?: number
classes?: Record<string, string>
export interface Form {
inputs?: Array<Input>;
textarea?: Textarea;
disclaimer?: Disclaimer;
button?: string;
description?: string;
inputs?: Array<Input>
textarea?: Textarea
disclaimer?: Disclaimer
button?: string
description?: string
export interface Hero extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
content?: string;
image?: string | unknown;
callToAction1?: CallToAction;
callToAction2?: CallToAction;
isReversed?: boolean;
content?: string
image?: string | unknown
callToAction1?: CallToAction
callToAction2?: CallToAction
isReversed?: boolean
export interface Team extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
team?: Array<TeamMember>;
team?: Array<TeamMember>
export interface Stats extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
stats?: Array<Stat>;
stats?: Array<Stat>
export interface Pricing extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
prices?: Array<Price>;
prices?: Array<Price>
export interface Testimonials extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
testimonials?: Array<Testimonial>;
callToAction?: CallToAction;
testimonials?: Array<Testimonial>
callToAction?: CallToAction
export interface Brands extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
icons?: Array<string>;
images?: Array<Image>;
icons?: Array<string>
images?: Array<Image>
export interface Features extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
image?: string | unknown;
video?: Video;
items?: Array<Item>;
columns?: number;
defaultIcon?: string;
callToAction1?: CallToAction;
callToAction2?: CallToAction;
isReversed?: boolean;
isBeforeContent?: boolean;
isAfterContent?: boolean;
image?: string | unknown
video?: Video
items?: Array<Item>
columns?: number
defaultIcon?: string
callToAction1?: CallToAction
callToAction2?: CallToAction
isReversed?: boolean
isBeforeContent?: boolean
isAfterContent?: boolean
export interface Faqs extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
iconUp?: string;
iconDown?: string;
items?: Array<Item>;
columns?: number;
iconUp?: string
iconDown?: string
items?: Array<Item>
columns?: number
export interface Steps extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
items: Array<{
title: string;
description?: string;
icon?: string;
classes?: Record<string, string>;
callToAction?: string | CallToAction;
image?: string | Image;
isReversed?: boolean;
title: string
description?: string
icon?: string
classes?: Record<string, string>
callToAction?: string | CallToAction
image?: string | Image
isReversed?: boolean
export interface Content extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Widget {
content?: string;
image?: string | unknown;
items?: Array<Item>;
columns?: number;
isReversed?: boolean;
isAfterContent?: boolean;
callToAction?: CallToAction;
content?: string
image?: string | unknown
items?: Array<Item>
columns?: number
isReversed?: boolean
isAfterContent?: boolean
callToAction?: CallToAction
export interface Contact extends Omit<Headline, 'classes'>, Form, Widget {}
Reference in New Issue
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