var currentpath = "/"; var authentication = false; var websocket_port = 0; var websocket_IP = ""; var async_webcommunication = false; var page_id = ""; var ws_source; var log_off =false; var websocket_started =false; var esp_error_message =""; var esp_error_code = 0; var xmlhttpupload; var typeupload = 0; function navbar(){ var content=""; var tlist = currentpath.split("/"); var path="/"; var nb = 1; content+=""; while (nb < (tlist.length-1)) { path+=tlist[nb] + "/"; content+=""; nb++; } content+="
/"+tlist[nb] +"/
"; return content; } function trash_icon(){ var content =""; content +=""; content +=""; content +=""; content +=""; content +=""; content +=""; content +=""; content +=""; return content; } function back_icon(){ var content =""; return content; } function select_dir(directoryname){ currentpath+=directoryname + "/"; SendCommand('list','all'); } function compareStrings(a, b) { // case-insensitive comparison a = a.toLowerCase(); b = b.toLowerCase(); return (a < b) ? -1 : (a > b) ? 1 : 0; } function dispatchfilestatus(jsonresponse) { var content =""; var display_message = false; content ="  Status: "+jsonresponse.status; content +="  |  Total space: "; content +="  |  Used space: "+jsonresponse.used; content +="  |  Occupation: "; content +=" "+jsonresponse.occupation +"%"; document.getElementById('status').innerHTML=content; content =""; if (currentpath!="/") { var pos = currentpath.lastIndexOf("/",currentpath.length-2); var previouspath = currentpath.slice(0,pos+1); content +=""+back_icon()+" Up.."; } jsonresponse.files.sort(function(a, b) { return compareStrings(,; }); if (currentpath=="/") { display_message = true; } var display_time =false; for (var i1=0;i1
"; content +=jsonresponse.files[i1].name; if ((jsonresponse.files[i1].name == "index.html.gz")||(jsonresponse.files[i1].name == "index.html")){ display_message = false; } content +="
"; content +=jsonresponse.files[i1].size; content +=""; if (jsonresponse.files[i1].hasOwnProperty('time')){ display_time = true; content +=""; content += jsonresponse.files[i1].time; content +=""; } else { content +=""; } content +="
"; content +=trash_icon(); content +="
"; } } //then display directories for (var i2=0;i2 "; content +=jsonresponse.files[i2].name; content +=""; if (typeof jsonresponse.files[i2].hasOwnProperty('time')){ display_time = true; } content +="
"; content +=trash_icon(); content +="
"; } } if(display_time){ document.getElementById('FS_time').innerHTML = ""; } else { document.getElementById('FS_time').innerHTML = "Time"; } if (display_message) { document.getElementById('MSG').innerHTML = "File index.html.gz is missing, please upload it"; } else { document.getElementById('MSG').innerHTML = "Go to ESP3D interface"; } document.getElementById('file_list').innerHTML=content; document.getElementById('path').innerHTML=navbar();} function Delete(filename){ if (confirm("Confirm deletion of file: " + filename))SendCommand("delete",filename); } function Deletedir(filename){ if (confirm("Confirm deletion of directory: " + filename))SendCommand("deletedir",filename); } function Createdir(){ var filename = prompt("Directory name", ""); if (filename != null) { SendCommand("createdir",filename.trim()); } } function SendCommand(action,filename){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "/files?action="+action; document.getElementById('MSG').innerHTML = "Connecting..."; url += "&filename="+encodeURI(filename); url += "&path="+encodeURI(currentpath); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) { if(xmlhttp.status == 200) { var jsonresponse = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText); dispatchfilestatus(jsonresponse); } else { if(xmlhttp.status == 401) { RL (); } else { console.log(xmlhttp.status); FWError(); } } } };"GET", url, true); xmlhttp.send(); } function Sendfile(){ var files = document.getElementById('file-select').files; if (files.length==0)return; document.getElementById('upload-button').value = "Uploading..."; document.getElementById('prg').style.visibility = "visible"; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('path', currentpath); for (var i3 = 0; i3 < files.length; i3++) { var file = files[i3]; var arg = currentpath + + "S"; //append file size first to check updload is complete formData.append(arg, file.size); formData.append('myfiles[]', file,;} xmlhttpupload = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/files', true); //progress upload event xmlhttpupload.upload.addEventListener("progress", updateProgress, false); //progress function function updateProgress (oEvent) { if (oEvent.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = (oEvent.loaded /*100; document.getElementById('prg').value=percentComplete; document.getElementById('upload-button').value = "Uploading ..." + percentComplete.toFixed(0)+"%" ; } else { // Impossible because size is unknown } } typeupload = 1; xmlhttpupload.onload = function () { if (xmlhttpupload.status === 200) { document.getElementById('upload-button').value = 'Upload'; document.getElementById('prg').style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('file-select').value=""; var jsonresponse = JSON.parse(xmlhttpupload.responseText); dispatchfilestatus(jsonresponse); } else uploadError(); }; xmlhttpupload.send(formData); } function padNumber(num, size) { var s = num.toString(); while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s; return s; } function getPCTime(){ var d = new Date(); return d.getFullYear() + "-" + padNumber(d.getMonth() + 1 ,2) + "-" + padNumber(d.getDate(),2) + "-" + padNumber(d.getHours(),2) + "-" + padNumber(d.getMinutes(),2) + "-" + padNumber(d.getSeconds(),2); } function HideAll(msg){ //console.log("Hide all:" + msg); log_off = true; if(websocket_started){ ws_source.close(); } document.title = document.title + "(disconnected)"; document.getElementById('MSG').innerHTML = msg; document.getElementById('FILESYSTEM').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('FWUPDATE').style.display = "none"; } function FWError(){ HideAll("Failed to communicate with FW!"); } function FWOk(){ document.getElementById('MSG').innerHTML = "Connected"; document.getElementById('FILESYSTEM').style.display = "block"; document.getElementById('FWUPDATE').style.display = "block"; } function InitUI(){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "/command?commandText="+encodeURI("[ESP800]"); authentication = false; async_webcommunication = false; console.log("Init UI"); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) { var error = false; if(xmlhttp.status == 200) { var response = xmlhttp.responseText; var nbitem = 0; var tresp = response.split("#"); console.log(xmlhttp.responseText); if (tresp.length < 3) { error = true; } else { //FW version:1.1f # FW target:grbl-embedded # FW HW:Direct SD # primary sd:/sd # secondary sd:none # authentication:no # webcommunication: Sync: 81: # hostname:grblesp # axis:3 for (var p=0; p < tresp.length; p++){ var sublist = tresp[p].split(":"); if (sublist[0].trim() == "FW version"){ document.getElementById('FWVERSION').innerHTML = "v"+sublist[1]; nbitem++; } if (sublist[0].trim() == "authentication"){ if (sublist[1].trim() == "no") { authentication = false; document.getElementById('loginicon').style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { authentication = true; document.getElementById('loginicon').style.visibility = "visible"; } nbitem++; } if (sublist[0].trim() == "webcommunication"){ websocket_port = sublist[2].trim(); websocket_IP = sublist[3].trim(); startSocket(); nbitem++; } if (sublist[0].trim() == "hostname"){ document.title = sublist[1].trim(); nbitem++ } } if (nbitem == 4) { SendCommand('list','all'); FWOk(); } else { error = true; } } } else if (xmlhttp.status == 401){ RL(); } else { error = true; console.log( xmlhttp.status); } if (error) { FWError(); } } };"GET", url, true); xmlhttp.send(); } function startSocket(){ if (websocket_started){ ws_source.close(); } if(async_webcommunication){ ws_source = new WebSocket('ws://'+websocket_IP + ':' + websocket_port +'/ws',['arduino']); } else { //console.log("Socket port is :" + websocket_port); ws_source = new WebSocket('ws://'+websocket_IP + ':' + websocket_port,['arduino']); } ws_source.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; ws_source.onopen = function(e){ console.log("WS"); websocket_started = true; }; ws_source.onclose = function(e){ websocket_started = false; console.log("~WS"); //seems sometimes it disconnect so wait 3s and reconnect //if it is not a log off if(!log_off) setTimeout(startSocket, 3000); }; ws_source.onerror = function(e){ console.log("WS", e); }; ws_source.onmessage = function(e){ var msg = ""; //bin if(!( instanceof ArrayBuffer)){ msg =; var tval = msg.split(":"); if (tval.length >= 2) { if (tval[0] == 'currentID') { page_id = tval[1]; console.log("ID " + page_id); } if (tval[0] == 'activeID') { if(page_id != tval[1]) { HideAll("It seems you are connect from another location, your are now disconnected"); } } if (tval[0] == 'ERROR') { esp_error_message = tval[2]; esp_error_code = tval[1]; console.log(tval[2] + " code:" + tval[1]); uploadError(); xmlhttpupload.abort(); } } } //console.log(msg); }; } window.onload = function() { InitUI(); }; function uploadError() { if (esp_error_code != 0) { alert('Update failed(' + esp_error_code + '): ' + esp_error_message); esp_error_code = 0; } else { alert('Update failed!'); } if (typeupload == 1) { //location.reload(); document.getElementById('upload-button').value = 'Upload'; document.getElementById('prg').style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('file-select').value=""; SendCommand('list', 'all'); } else { location.reload(); } } function Uploadfile(){ if (!confirm("Confirm Firmware Update ?"))return; var files = document.getElementById('fw-select').files; if (files.length==0)return; document.getElementById('ubut').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('fw-select').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('msg').style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML=""; document.getElementById('FILESYSTEM').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('prgfw').style.visibility = "visible"; var formData = new FormData(); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < files.length; i4++) { var file = files[i4]; var arg = "/" + + "S"; //append file size first to check updload is complete formData.append(arg, file.size); formData.append('myfile[]', file, "/";} typeupload = 0; xmlhttpupload = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/updatefw', true); //progress upload event xmlhttpupload.addEventListener("progress", updateProgress, false); //progress function function updateProgress (oEvent) { if (oEvent.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = (oEvent.loaded /*100; document.getElementById('prgfw').value=percentComplete; document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Uploading ..." + percentComplete.toFixed(0)+"%" ; } else { // Impossible because size is unknown } } xmlhttpupload.onload = function () { if (xmlhttpupload.status === 200) { document.getElementById('ubut').value = 'Upload'; document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML="Restarting, please wait...."; document.getElementById('counter').style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById('ubut').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('ubut').style.width = '0px'; document.getElementById('fw-select').value=""; document.getElementById('fw-select').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('fw-select').style.width = '0px'; var jsonresponse = JSON.parse(xmlhttpupload.responseText); if (jsonresponse.status=='1' || jsonresponse.status=='4' || jsonresponse.status=='1')uploadError(); if (jsonresponse.status=='2')alert('Update canceled!'); else if (jsonresponse.status=='3') { var i5 = 0; var interval; var x = document.getElementById("prgfw"); x.max=40; interval = setInterval(function(){ i5=i5+1; var x = document.getElementById("prgfw"); x.value=i5; document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML=41-i5; if (i5>40) { clearInterval(interval); location.reload(); } },1000); } else uploadError() } else uploadError() }; xmlhttpupload.send(formData); } function RL(){ document.getElementById('loginpage').style.display='block'; } function SLR (){ document.getElementById('loginpage').style.display='none'; var user = document.getElementById('lut').value.trim(); var password = document.getElementById('lpt').value.trim(); var url = "/login?USER="+encodeURIComponent(user) + "&PASSWORD=" + encodeURIComponent(password) + "&SUBMIT=yes" ; var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4){ if (xmlhttp.status != 200) { if (xmlhttp.status == 401) { RL(); } else { FWError(); console.log(xmlhttp.status); } } else { InitUI(); } } };"GET", url, true); xmlhttp.send(); }