/* web_server.cpp - web server functions class Copyright (c) 2014 Luc Lebosse. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #include "config.h" #if defined (ENABLE_WIFI) && defined (ENABLE_HTTP) #include "wifiservices.h" #include "grbl.h" #include "commands.h" #include "espresponse.h" #include "serial2socket.h" #include "web_server.h" #include #include "wificonfig.h" #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_SD_CARD #include #include "grbl_sd.h" #endif #include #include "report.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_MDNS #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SSDP #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL #include const byte DNS_PORT = 53; DNSServer dnsServer; #endif #include //embedded response file if no files on SPIFFS #include "nofile.h" //Upload status typedef enum { UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE = 0, UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED = 1, UPLOAD_STATUS_CANCELLED = 2, UPLOAD_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL = 3, UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING = 4 } upload_status_type; //Default 404 const char PAGE_404 [] = "\n\nRedirecting... \n\n\n
Unknown page : $QUERY$- you will be redirected...\n

\nif not redirected, click here\n

\n\n\n\n"; const char PAGE_CAPTIVE [] = "\n\nCaptive Portal \n\n\n
Captive Portal page : $QUERY$- you will be redirected...\n

\nif not redirected, click here\n

\n\n\n\n"; //error codes fo upload #define ESP_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION 1 #define ESP_ERROR_FILE_CREATION 2 #define ESP_ERROR_FILE_WRITE 3 #define ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD 4 #define ESP_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 5 #define ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD_CANCELLED 6 #define ESP_ERROR_FILE_CLOSE 7 #define ESP_ERROR_NO_SD 8 Web_Server web_server; bool Web_Server::_setupdone = false; uint16_t Web_Server::_port = 0; long Web_Server::_id_connection = 0; uint8_t Web_Server::_upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; WebServer * Web_Server::_webserver = NULL; WebSocketsServer * Web_Server::_socket_server = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION auth_ip * Web_Server::_head = NULL; uint8_t Web_Server::_nb_ip = 0; #define MAX_AUTH_IP 10 #endif Web_Server::Web_Server(){ } Web_Server::~Web_Server(){ end(); } long Web_Server::get_client_ID() { return _id_connection; } bool Web_Server::begin(){ bool no_error = true; _setupdone = false; Preferences prefs; prefs.begin(NAMESPACE, true); int8_t penabled = prefs.getChar(HTTP_ENABLE_ENTRY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATE); //Get http port _port = prefs.getUShort(HTTP_PORT_ENTRY, DEFAULT_WEBSERVER_PORT); prefs.end(); if (penabled == 0) return false; //create instance _webserver= new WebServer(_port); #ifdef ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION //here the list of headers to be recorded const char * headerkeys[] = {"Cookie"} ; size_t headerkeyssize = sizeof (headerkeys) / sizeof (char*); //ask server to track these headers _webserver->collectHeaders (headerkeys, headerkeyssize ); #endif _socket_server = new WebSocketsServer(_port + 1); _socket_server->begin(); _socket_server->onEvent(handle_Websocket_Event); //Websocket output Serial2Socket.attachWS(_socket_server); //events functions //_web_events->onConnect(handle_onevent_connect); //events management // _webserver->addHandler(_web_events); //Websocket function //_web_socket->onEvent(handle_Websocket_Event); //Websocket management //_webserver->addHandler(_web_socket); //Web server handlers //trick to catch command line on "/" before file being processed _webserver->on("/",HTTP_ANY, handle_root); //Page not found handler _webserver->onNotFound (handle_not_found); //need to be there even no authentication to say to UI no authentication _webserver->on("/login", HTTP_ANY, handle_login); //web commands _webserver->on ("/command", HTTP_ANY, handle_web_command); _webserver->on ("/command_silent", HTTP_ANY, handle_web_command_silent); //SPIFFS _webserver->on ("/files", HTTP_ANY, handleFileList, SPIFFSFileupload); //web update _webserver->on ("/updatefw", HTTP_ANY, handleUpdate, WebUpdateUpload); #ifdef ENABLE_SD_CARD //Direct SD management _webserver->on("/upload", HTTP_ANY, handle_direct_SDFileList,SDFile_direct_upload); //_webserver->on("/SD", HTTP_ANY, handle_SDCARD); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL if(WiFi.getMode() != WIFI_STA){ // if DNSServer is started with "*" for domain name, it will reply with // provided IP to all DNS request dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", WiFi.softAPIP()); grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Captive Portal Started]\r\n"); _webserver->on ("/generate_204", HTTP_ANY, handle_root); _webserver->on ("/gconnectivitycheck.gstatic.com", HTTP_ANY, handle_root); //do not forget the / at the end _webserver->on ("/fwlink/", HTTP_ANY, handle_root); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SSDP //SSDP service presentation if(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_STA){ _webserver->on ("/description.xml", HTTP_GET, handle_SSDP); //Add specific for SSDP SSDP.setSchemaURL ("description.xml"); SSDP.setHTTPPort (_port); SSDP.setName (wifi_config.Hostname()); SSDP.setURL ("/"); SSDP.setDeviceType ("upnp:rootdevice"); /*Any customization could be here SSDP.setModelName (ESP32_MODEL_NAME); SSDP.setModelURL (ESP32_MODEL_URL); SSDP.setModelNumber (ESP_MODEL_NUMBER); SSDP.setManufacturer (ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME); SSDP.setManufacturerURL (ESP_MANUFACTURER_URL); */ //Start SSDP grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:SSDP Started]\r\n"); SSDP.begin(); } #endif grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:HTTP Started]\r\n"); //start webserver _webserver->begin(); #ifdef ENABLE_MDNS //add mDNS if(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_STA){ MDNS.addService("http","tcp",_port); } #endif _setupdone = true; return no_error; } void Web_Server::end(){ _setupdone = false; #ifdef ENABLE_SSDP SSDP.end(); #endif //ENABLE_SSDP #ifdef ENABLE_MDNS //remove mDNS mdns_service_remove("_http", "_tcp"); #endif if (_socket_server) { delete _socket_server; _socket_server = NULL; } if (_webserver) { delete _webserver; _webserver = NULL; } #ifdef ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION while (_head) { auth_ip * current = _head; _head = _head->_next; delete current; } _nb_ip = 0; #endif } //Root of Webserver///////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Web_Server::handle_root() { String path = "/index.html"; String contentType = getContentType(path); String pathWithGz = path + ".gz"; //if have a index.html or gzip version this is default root page if((SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)) && !_webserver->hasArg("forcefallback") && _webserver->arg("forcefallback")!="yes") { if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz)) { path = pathWithGz; } File file = SPIFFS.open(path, FILE_READ); _webserver->streamFile(file, contentType); file.close(); return; } //if no lets launch the default content _webserver->sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); _webserver->send_P(200,"text/html",PAGE_NOFILES,PAGE_NOFILES_SIZE); } //Handle not registred path on SPIFFS neither SD /////////////////////// void Web_Server:: handle_not_found() { if (is_authenticated() == LEVEL_GUEST) { _webserver->sendContent_P("HTTP/1.1 301 OK\r\nLocation: /\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n"); //_webserver->client().stop(); return; } bool page_not_found = false; String path = _webserver->urlDecode(_webserver->uri()); String contentType = getContentType(path); String pathWithGz = path + ".gz"; #ifdef ENABLE_SD_CARD if ((path.substring(0,4) == "/SD/")) { //remove /SD path = path.substring(3); if(SD.exists((char *)pathWithGz.c_str()) || SD.exists((char *)path.c_str())) { if(SD.exists((char *)pathWithGz.c_str())) { path = pathWithGz; } File datafile = SD.open((char *)path.c_str()); if (datafile) { vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_RATE_MS); size_t totalFileSize = datafile.size(); size_t i = 0; bool done = false; _webserver->setContentLength(totalFileSize); _webserver->send(200, contentType, ""); uint8_t buf[1024]; while (!done){ vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_RATE_MS); int v = datafile.read(buf,1024); if ((v == -1) || (v == 0)) { done = true; } else { _webserver->client().write(buf,1024); i+=v; } if (i >= totalFileSize) done = true; } datafile.close(); if ( i != totalFileSize) { //error: TBD } return; } } String content = "cannot find "; content+=path; _webserver->send(404,"text/plain",content.c_str()); return; } else #endif if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)) { if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz)) { path = pathWithGz; } File file = SPIFFS.open(path, FILE_READ); _webserver->streamFile(file, contentType); file.close(); return; } else { page_not_found = true; } if (page_not_found ) { #ifdef ENABLE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL if (WiFi.getMode()!=WIFI_STA ) { String contentType= PAGE_CAPTIVE; String stmp = WiFi.softAPIP().toString(); //Web address = ip + port String KEY_IP = "$WEB_ADDRESS$"; String KEY_QUERY = "$QUERY$"; if (_port != 80) { stmp+=":"; stmp+=String(_port); } contentType.replace(KEY_IP,stmp); contentType.replace(KEY_IP,stmp); contentType.replace(KEY_QUERY,_webserver->uri()); _webserver->send(200,"text/html",contentType); //_webserver->sendContent_P(NOT_AUTH_NF); //_webserver->client().stop(); return; } #endif path = "/404.htm"; contentType = getContentType(path); pathWithGz = path + ".gz"; if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)) { if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz)) { path = pathWithGz; } File file = SPIFFS.open(path, FILE_READ); _webserver->streamFile(file, contentType); file.close(); } else { //if not template use default page contentType = PAGE_404; String stmp; if (WiFi.getMode()==WIFI_STA ) { stmp=WiFi.localIP().toString(); } else { stmp=WiFi.softAPIP().toString(); } //Web address = ip + port String KEY_IP = "$WEB_ADDRESS$"; String KEY_QUERY = "$QUERY$"; if ( _port != 80) { stmp+=":"; stmp+=String(_port); } contentType.replace(KEY_IP,stmp); contentType.replace(KEY_QUERY,_webserver->uri()); _webserver->send(200,"text/html",contentType); } } } #ifdef ENABLE_SSDP //http SSDP xml presentation void Web_Server::handle_SSDP () { StreamString sschema ; if (sschema.reserve (1024) ) { String templ = "" "" "" "1" "0" "" "http://%s:%u/" "" "upnp:rootdevice" "%s" "/" "%s" "ESP32" "Marlin" "http://espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp-wroom-32/overview" "Espressif Systems" "http://espressif.com" "uuid:%s" "" "\r\n" "\r\n"; char uuid[37]; String sip = WiFi.localIP().toString(); uint32_t chipId = (uint16_t) (ESP.getEfuseMac() >> 32); sprintf (uuid, "38323636-4558-4dda-9188-cda0e6%02x%02x%02x", (uint16_t) ( (chipId >> 16) & 0xff), (uint16_t) ( (chipId >> 8) & 0xff), (uint16_t) chipId & 0xff ); String serialNumber = String (chipId); sschema.printf (templ.c_str(), sip.c_str(), _port, wifi_config.Hostname().c_str(), serialNumber.c_str(), uuid); _webserver->send (200, "text/xml", (String) sschema); } else { _webserver->send (500); } } #endif bool Web_Server::is_realtime_cmd(char c){ if (c == CMD_STATUS_REPORT) return true; if (c == CMD_CYCLE_START) return true; if (c == CMD_RESET) return true; if (c == CMD_FEED_HOLD) return true; if (c == CMD_SAFETY_DOOR) return true; if (c == CMD_JOG_CANCEL) return true; if (c == CMD_DEBUG_REPORT) return true; if (c == CMD_FEED_OVR_RESET) return true; if (c == CMD_FEED_OVR_COARSE_PLUS) return true; if (c == CMD_FEED_OVR_COARSE_MINUS) return true; if (c == CMD_FEED_OVR_FINE_PLUS) return true; if (c == CMD_FEED_OVR_FINE_MINUS) return true; if (c == CMD_RAPID_OVR_RESET) return true; if (c == CMD_RAPID_OVR_MEDIUM) return true; if (c == CMD_RAPID_OVR_LOW) return true; if (c == CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_COARSE_PLUS) return true; if (c == CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_COARSE_MINUS) return true; if (c == CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_FINE_PLUS) return true; if (c == CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_FINE_MINUS) return true; if (c == CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_STOP) return true; if (c == CMD_COOLANT_FLOOD_OVR_TOGGLE) return true; if (c == CMD_COOLANT_MIST_OVR_TOGGLE) return true; return false; } //Handle web command query and send answer////////////////////////////// void Web_Server::handle_web_command () { //to save time if already disconnected //if (_webserver->hasArg ("PAGEID") ) { // if (_webserver->arg ("PAGEID").length() > 0 ) { // if (_webserver->arg ("PAGEID").toInt() != _id_connection) { // _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", "Invalid command"); // return; // } // } //} level_authenticate_type auth_level = is_authenticated(); String cmd = ""; if (_webserver->hasArg ("plain") || _webserver->hasArg ("commandText") ) { if (_webserver->hasArg ("plain") ) { cmd = _webserver->arg ("plain"); } else { cmd = _webserver->arg ("commandText"); } } else { _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", "Invalid command"); return; } //if it is internal command [ESPXXX] cmd.trim(); int ESPpos = cmd.indexOf ("[ESP"); if (ESPpos > -1) { //is there the second part? int ESPpos2 = cmd.indexOf ("]", ESPpos); if (ESPpos2 > -1) { //Split in command and parameters String cmd_part1 = cmd.substring (ESPpos + 4, ESPpos2); String cmd_part2 = ""; //only [ESP800] is allowed login free if authentication is enabled if ( (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) && (cmd_part1.toInt() != 800) ) { _webserver->send (401, "text/plain", "Authentication failed!\n"); return; } //is there space for parameters? if (ESPpos2 < cmd.length() ) { cmd_part2 = cmd.substring (ESPpos2 + 1); } //if command is a valid number then execute command if (cmd_part1.toInt() != 0) { ESPResponseStream espresponse(_webserver); //commmand is web only COMMANDS::execute_internal_command (cmd_part1.toInt(), cmd_part2, auth_level, &espresponse); //flush espresponse.flush(); } //if not is not a valid [ESPXXX] command } } else { //execute GCODE if (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) { _webserver->send (401, "text/plain", "Authentication failed!\n"); return; } //Instead of send several commands one by one by web / send full set and split here String scmd; String res = ""; uint8_t sindex = 0; scmd = get_Splited_Value(cmd,'\n', sindex); while ( scmd != "" ){ if ((scmd.length() == 2) && (scmd[0] == 0xC2)){ scmd[0]=scmd[1]; scmd.remove(1,1); } if (scmd.length() > 1)scmd += "\n"; else if (!is_realtime_cmd(scmd[0]) )scmd += "\n"; if (!Serial2Socket.push(scmd.c_str()))res = "Error"; sindex++; scmd = get_Splited_Value(cmd,'\n', sindex); } _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", res.c_str()); } } //Handle web command query and send answer////////////////////////////// void Web_Server::handle_web_command_silent () { //to save time if already disconnected //if (_webserver->hasArg ("PAGEID") ) { // if (_webserver->arg ("PAGEID").length() > 0 ) { // if (_webserver->arg ("PAGEID").toInt() != _id_connection) { // _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", "Invalid command"); // return; // } // } //} level_authenticate_type auth_level = is_authenticated(); String cmd = ""; if (_webserver->hasArg ("plain") || _webserver->hasArg ("commandText") ) { if (_webserver->hasArg ("plain") ) { cmd = _webserver->arg ("plain"); } else { cmd = _webserver->arg ("commandText"); } } else { _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", "Invalid command"); return; } //if it is internal command [ESPXXX] cmd.trim(); int ESPpos = cmd.indexOf ("[ESP"); if (ESPpos > -1) { //is there the second part? int ESPpos2 = cmd.indexOf ("]", ESPpos); if (ESPpos2 > -1) { //Split in command and parameters String cmd_part1 = cmd.substring (ESPpos + 4, ESPpos2); String cmd_part2 = ""; //only [ESP800] is allowed login free if authentication is enabled if ( (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) && (cmd_part1.toInt() != 800) ) { _webserver->send (401, "text/plain", "Authentication failed!\n"); return; } //is there space for parameters? if (ESPpos2 < cmd.length() ) { cmd_part2 = cmd.substring (ESPpos2 + 1); } //if command is a valid number then execute command if (cmd_part1.toInt() != 0) { //commmand is web only if(COMMANDS::execute_internal_command (cmd_part1.toInt(), cmd_part2, auth_level, NULL)) _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", "ok"); else _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", "error"); } //if not is not a valid [ESPXXX] command } } else { //execute GCODE if (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) { _webserver->send (401, "text/plain", "Authentication failed!\n"); return; } //Instead of send several commands one by one by web / send full set and split here String scmd; uint8_t sindex = 0; scmd = get_Splited_Value(cmd,'\n', sindex); String res = ""; while ( scmd != "" ){ if (scmd.length() > 1)scmd+="\n"; else if (!is_realtime_cmd(scmd[0]) )scmd+="\n"; if (!Serial2Socket.push(scmd.c_str()))res = "Error"; sindex++; scmd = get_Splited_Value(cmd,'\n', sindex); } _webserver->send (200, "text/plain", res.c_str()); } } //login status check void Web_Server::handle_login() { #ifdef ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION String smsg; String sUser,sPassword; String auths; int code = 200; bool msg_alert_error=false; //disconnect can be done anytime no need to check credential if (_webserver->hasArg("DISCONNECT")) { String cookie = _webserver->header("Cookie"); int pos = cookie.indexOf("ESPSESSIONID="); String sessionID; if (pos!= -1) { int pos2 = cookie.indexOf(";",pos); sessionID = cookie.substring(pos+strlen("ESPSESSIONID="),pos2); } ClearAuthIP(_webserver->client().remoteIP(), sessionID.c_str()); _webserver->sendHeader("Set-Cookie","ESPSESSIONID=0"); _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); String buffer2send = "{\"status\":\"Ok\",\"authentication_lvl\":\"guest\"}"; _webserver->send(code, "application/json", buffer2send); //_webserver->client().stop(); return; } level_authenticate_type auth_level = is_authenticated(); if (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) auths = "guest"; else if (auth_level == LEVEL_USER) auths = "user"; else if (auth_level == LEVEL_ADMIN) auths = "admin"; else auths = "???"; //check is it is a submission or a query if (_webserver->hasArg("SUBMIT")) { //is there a correct list of query? if ( _webserver->hasArg("PASSWORD") && _webserver->hasArg("USER")) { //USER sUser = _webserver->arg("USER"); if ( !((sUser == DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOGIN) || (sUser == DEFAULT_USER_LOGIN))) { msg_alert_error=true; smsg = "Error : Incorrect User"; code = 401; } if (msg_alert_error == false) { //Password sPassword = _webserver->arg("PASSWORD"); String sadminPassword; Preferences prefs; prefs.begin(NAMESPACE, true); String defV = DEFAULT_ADMIN_PWD; sadminPassword = prefs.getString(ADMIN_PWD_ENTRY, defV); String suserPassword; defV = DEFAULT_USER_PWD; suserPassword = prefs.getString(USER_PWD_ENTRY, defV); prefs.end(); if(!(((sUser == DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOGIN) && (strcmp(sPassword.c_str(),sadminPassword.c_str()) == 0)) || ((sUser == DEFAULT_USER_LOGIN) && (strcmp(sPassword.c_str(),suserPassword.c_str()) == 0)))) { msg_alert_error=true; smsg = "Error: Incorrect password"; code = 401; } } } else { msg_alert_error=true; smsg = "Error: Missing data"; code = 500; } //change password if (_webserver->hasArg("PASSWORD") && _webserver->hasArg("USER") && _webserver->hasArg("NEWPASSWORD") && (msg_alert_error==false) ) { String newpassword = _webserver->arg("NEWPASSWORD"); if (COMMANDS::isLocalPasswordValid(newpassword.c_str())) { String spos; if(sUser == DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOGIN) spos = ADMIN_PWD_ENTRY; else spos = USER_PWD_ENTRY; Preferences prefs; prefs.begin(NAMESPACE, false); if (prefs.putString(spos.c_str(), newpassword) != newpassword.length()) { msg_alert_error = true; smsg = "Error: Cannot apply changes"; code = 500; } prefs.end(); } else { msg_alert_error=true; smsg = "Error: Incorrect password"; code = 500; } } if ((code == 200) || (code == 500)) { level_authenticate_type current_auth_level; if(sUser == DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOGIN) { current_auth_level = LEVEL_ADMIN; } else if(sUser == DEFAULT_USER_LOGIN){ current_auth_level = LEVEL_USER; } else { current_auth_level = LEVEL_GUEST; } //create Session if ((current_auth_level != auth_level) || (auth_level== LEVEL_GUEST)) { auth_ip * current_auth = new auth_ip; current_auth->level = current_auth_level; current_auth->ip=_webserver->client().remoteIP(); strcpy(current_auth->sessionID,create_session_ID()); strcpy(current_auth->userID,sUser.c_str()); current_auth->last_time=millis(); if (AddAuthIP(current_auth)) { String tmps ="ESPSESSIONID="; tmps+=current_auth->sessionID; _webserver->sendHeader("Set-Cookie",tmps); _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); switch(current_auth->level) { case LEVEL_ADMIN: auths = "admin"; break; case LEVEL_USER: auths = "user"; break; default: auths = "guest"; break; } } else { delete current_auth; msg_alert_error=true; code = 500; smsg = "Error: Too many connections"; } } } if (code == 200) smsg = "Ok"; //build JSON String buffer2send = "{\"status\":\"" + smsg + "\",\"authentication_lvl\":\""; buffer2send += auths; buffer2send += "\"}"; _webserver->send(code, "application/json", buffer2send); } else { if (auth_level != LEVEL_GUEST) { String cookie = _webserver->header("Cookie"); int pos = cookie.indexOf("ESPSESSIONID="); String sessionID; if (pos!= -1) { int pos2 = cookie.indexOf(";",pos); sessionID = cookie.substring(pos+strlen("ESPSESSIONID="),pos2); auth_ip * current_auth_info = GetAuth(_webserver->client().remoteIP(), sessionID.c_str()); if (current_auth_info != NULL){ sUser = current_auth_info->userID; } } } String buffer2send = "{\"status\":\"200\",\"authentication_lvl\":\""; buffer2send += auths; buffer2send += "\",\"user\":\""; buffer2send += sUser; buffer2send +="\"}"; _webserver->send(code, "application/json", buffer2send); } #else _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); _webserver->send(200, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"Ok\",\"authentication_lvl\":\"admin\"}"); #endif } //SPIFFS //SPIFFS files list and file commands void Web_Server::handleFileList () { level_authenticate_type auth_level = is_authenticated(); if (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; _webserver->send (401, "text/plain", "Authentication failed!\n"); return; } String path ; String status = "Ok"; if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) { status = "Upload failed"; _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; } _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; //be sure root is correct according authentication if (auth_level == LEVEL_ADMIN) { path = "/"; } else { path = "/user"; } //get current path if (_webserver->hasArg ("path") ) { path += _webserver->arg ("path") ; } //to have a clean path path.trim(); path.replace ("//", "/"); if (path[path.length() - 1] != '/') { path += "/"; } //check if query need some action if (_webserver->hasArg ("action") ) { //delete a file if (_webserver->arg ("action") == "delete" && _webserver->hasArg ("filename") ) { String filename; String shortname = _webserver->arg ("filename"); shortname.replace ("/", ""); filename = path + _webserver->arg ("filename"); filename.replace ("//", "/"); if (!SPIFFS.exists (filename) ) { status = shortname + " does not exists!"; } else { if (SPIFFS.remove (filename) ) { status = shortname + " deleted"; //what happen if no "/." and no other subfiles ? String ptmp = path; if ( (path != "/") && (path[path.length() - 1] = '/') ) { ptmp = path.substring (0, path.length() - 1); } File dir = SPIFFS.open (ptmp); File dircontent = dir.openNextFile(); if (!dircontent) { //keep directory alive even empty File r = SPIFFS.open (path + "/.", FILE_WRITE); if (r) { r.close(); } } } else { status = "Cannot deleted " ; status += shortname ; } } } //delete a directory if (_webserver->arg ("action") == "deletedir" && _webserver->hasArg ("filename") ) { String filename; String shortname = _webserver->arg ("filename"); shortname.replace ("/", ""); filename = path + _webserver->arg ("filename"); filename += "/"; filename.replace ("//", "/"); if (filename != "/") { bool delete_error = false; File dir = SPIFFS.open (path + shortname); { File file2deleted = dir.openNextFile(); while (file2deleted) { String fullpath = file2deleted.name(); if (!SPIFFS.remove (fullpath) ) { delete_error = true; status = "Cannot deleted " ; status += fullpath; } file2deleted = dir.openNextFile(); } } if (!delete_error) { status = shortname ; status += " deleted"; } } } //create a directory if (_webserver->arg ("action") == "createdir" && _webserver->hasArg ("filename") ) { String filename; filename = path + _webserver->arg ("filename") + "/."; String shortname = _webserver->arg ("filename"); shortname.replace ("/", ""); filename.replace ("//", "/"); if (SPIFFS.exists (filename) ) { status = shortname + " already exists!"; } else { File r = SPIFFS.open (filename, FILE_WRITE); if (!r) { status = "Cannot create "; status += shortname ; } else { r.close(); status = shortname + " created"; } } } } String jsonfile = "{"; String ptmp = path; if ( (path != "/") && (path[path.length() - 1] = '/') ) { ptmp = path.substring (0, path.length() - 1); } File dir = SPIFFS.open (ptmp); jsonfile += "\"files\":["; bool firstentry = true; String subdirlist = ""; File fileparsed = dir.openNextFile(); while (fileparsed) { String filename = fileparsed.name(); String size = ""; bool addtolist = true; //remove path from name filename = filename.substring (path.length(), filename.length() ); //check if file or subfile if (filename.indexOf ("/") > -1) { //Do not rely on "/." to define directory as SPIFFS upload won't create it but directly files //and no need to overload SPIFFS if not necessary to create "/." if no need //it will reduce SPIFFS available space so limit it to creation filename = filename.substring (0, filename.indexOf ("/") ); String tag = "*"; tag += filename + "*"; if (subdirlist.indexOf (tag) > -1 || filename.length() == 0) { //already in list addtolist = false; //no need to add } else { size = "-1"; //it is subfile so display only directory, size will be -1 to describe it is directory if (subdirlist.length() == 0) { subdirlist += "*"; } subdirlist += filename + "*"; //add to list } } else { //do not add "." file if (! ( (filename == ".") || (filename == "") ) ) { size = ESPResponseStream::formatBytes (fileparsed.size() ); } else { addtolist = false; } } if (addtolist) { if (!firstentry) { jsonfile += ","; } else { firstentry = false; } jsonfile += "{"; jsonfile += "\"name\":\""; jsonfile += filename; jsonfile += "\",\"size\":\""; jsonfile += size; jsonfile += "\""; jsonfile += "}"; } fileparsed = dir.openNextFile(); } jsonfile += "],"; jsonfile += "\"path\":\"" + path + "\","; jsonfile += "\"status\":\"" + status + "\","; size_t totalBytes; size_t usedBytes; totalBytes = SPIFFS.totalBytes(); usedBytes = SPIFFS.usedBytes(); jsonfile += "\"total\":\"" + ESPResponseStream::formatBytes (totalBytes) + "\","; jsonfile += "\"used\":\"" + ESPResponseStream::formatBytes (usedBytes) + "\","; jsonfile.concat (F ("\"occupation\":\"") ); jsonfile += String (100 * usedBytes / totalBytes); jsonfile += "\""; jsonfile += "}"; path = ""; _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); _webserver->send(200, "application/json", jsonfile); _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; } //push error code and message to websocket void Web_Server::pushError(int code, const char * st, bool web_error, uint16_t timeout){ if (_socket_server && st) { String s = "ERROR:" + String(code) + ":"; s+=st; _socket_server->sendTXT(_id_connection, s); if (web_error != 0) { if (_webserver) { if (_webserver->client().available() > 0) { _webserver->send (web_error, "text/xml", st); } } } uint32_t t = millis(); while (millis() - t < timeout) { _socket_server->loop(); delay(10); } } } //abort reception of packages void Web_Server::cancelUpload(){ if (_webserver) { if (_webserver->client().available() > 0) { HTTPUpload& upload = _webserver->upload(); upload.status = UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED; errno = ECONNABORTED; _webserver->client().stop(); delay(100); } } } //SPIFFS files uploader handle void Web_Server::SPIFFSFileupload () { static String filename; static File fsUploadFile = (File)0; //get authentication status level_authenticate_type auth_level= is_authenticated(); //Guest cannot upload - only admin if (auth_level == LEVEL_GUEST) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload rejected]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION, "Upload rejected", 401); } else { HTTPUpload& upload = _webserver->upload(); if((_upload_status != UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED)|| (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START)){ //Upload start //************** if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { _upload_status= UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING; String upload_filename = upload.filename; if (upload_filename[0] != '/') filename = "/" + upload_filename; else filename = upload.filename; //according User or Admin the root is different as user is isolate to /user when admin has full access if(auth_level != LEVEL_ADMIN) { upload_filename = filename; filename = "/user" + upload_filename; } if (SPIFFS.exists (filename) ) { SPIFFS.remove (filename); } if (fsUploadFile ) { fsUploadFile.close(); } String sizeargname = upload.filename + "S"; if (_webserver->hasArg (sizeargname.c_str()) ) { uint32_t filesize = _webserver->arg (sizeargname.c_str()).toInt(); uint32_t freespace = SPIFFS.totalBytes() - SPIFFS.usedBytes(); if (filesize > freespace) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, "Upload rejected, not enough space"); } } if (_upload_status != UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) { //create file fsUploadFile = SPIFFS.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); //check If creation succeed if (fsUploadFile) { //if yes upload is started _upload_status= UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING; } else { //if no set cancel flag _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_CREATION, "File creation failed"); } } //Upload write //************** } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_RATE_MS); //check if file is available and no error if(fsUploadFile && _upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING) { //no error so write post date if (upload.currentSize != fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize)) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "File write failed"); } } else { //we have a problem set flag UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "File write failed"); } //Upload end //************** } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { //check if file is still open if(fsUploadFile) { //close it fsUploadFile.close(); //check size String sizeargname = upload.filename + "S"; fsUploadFile = SPIFFS.open (filename, FILE_READ); uint32_t filesize = fsUploadFile.size(); fsUploadFile.close(); if (_webserver->hasArg (sizeargname.c_str()) ) { if (_webserver->arg (sizeargname.c_str()) != String(filesize)) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; } } if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL; } else { grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD, "File upload failed"); } } else { //we have a problem set flag UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_CLOSE, "File close failed"); grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); } //Upload cancelled //************** } else { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; //pushError(ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD, "File upload failed"); return; } } } if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) { cancelUpload(); if (SPIFFS.exists (filename) ) { SPIFFS.remove (filename); } } COMMANDS::wait(0); } //Web Update handler void Web_Server::handleUpdate () { level_authenticate_type auth_level = is_authenticated(); if (auth_level != LEVEL_ADMIN) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; _webserver->send (403, "text/plain", "Not allowed, log in first!\n"); return; } String jsonfile = "{\"status\":\"" ; jsonfile += String(_upload_status); jsonfile += "\"}"; //send status _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); _webserver->send(200, "application/json", jsonfile); //if success restart if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { COMMANDS::wait(1000); COMMANDS::restart_ESP(); } else { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; } } //File upload for Web update void Web_Server::WebUpdateUpload () { static size_t last_upload_update; static uint32_t maxSketchSpace = 0; //only admin can update FW if (is_authenticated() != LEVEL_ADMIN) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload rejected]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION, "Upload rejected", 401); } else { //get current file ID HTTPUpload& upload = _webserver->upload(); if((_upload_status != UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED)|| (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START)){ //Upload start //************** if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update Firmware]\r\n"); _upload_status= UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING; String sizeargname = upload.filename + "S"; if (_webserver->hasArg (sizeargname.c_str()) ) { maxSketchSpace = _webserver->arg (sizeargname).toInt(); } //check space size_t flashsize = 0; if (esp_ota_get_running_partition()) { const esp_partition_t* partition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(NULL); if (partition) { flashsize = partition->size; } } if (flashsize < maxSketchSpace) { pushError(ESP_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, "Upload rejected, not enough space"); _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update cancelled]\r\n"); } if (_upload_status != UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) { last_upload_update = 0; if(!Update.begin()) { //start with max available size _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update cancelled]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, "Upload rejected, not enough space"); } else { grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"\n[MSG:Update 0%]\r\n"); } } //Upload write //************** } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_RATE_MS); //check if no error if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING) { if ( ((100 * upload.totalSize) / maxSketchSpace) !=last_upload_update) { if ( maxSketchSpace > 0)last_upload_update = (100 * upload.totalSize) / maxSketchSpace; else last_upload_update = upload.totalSize; String s = "Update "; s+= String(last_upload_update); s+="%"; grbl_sendf(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:%s]\r\n", s.c_str()); } if(Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update write failed]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "File write failed"); } } //Upload end //************** } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if(Update.end(true)) { //true to set the size to the current progress //Now Reboot grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update 100%]\r\n"); _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL; } else { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update failed]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD, "Update upload failed"); } } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED) { grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Update failed]\r\n"); _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; return; } } } if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) { cancelUpload(); Update.end(); } COMMANDS::wait(0); } #ifdef ENABLE_SD_CARD //Function to delete not empty directory on SD card bool Web_Server::deleteRecursive(String path) { bool result = true; File file = SD.open((char *)path.c_str()); //failed if (!file) { return false; } if(!file.isDirectory()) { file.close(); //return if success or not return SD.remove((char *)path.c_str()); } file.rewindDirectory(); while(true) { File entry = file.openNextFile(); if (!entry) { break; } String entryPath = entry.name(); if(entry.isDirectory()) { entry.close(); if(!deleteRecursive(entryPath)) { result = false; } } else { entry.close(); if (!SD.remove((char *)entryPath.c_str())) { result = false; break; } } COMMANDS::wait(0); //wdtFeed } file.close(); if (result) return SD.rmdir((char *)path.c_str()); else return false; } //direct SD files list////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Web_Server::handle_direct_SDFileList() { //this is only for admin and user if (is_authenticated() == LEVEL_GUEST) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; _webserver->send(401, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"Authentication failed!\"}"); return; } String path="/"; String sstatus="Ok"; if ((_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) || (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED)) { sstatus = "Upload failed"; _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; } bool list_files = true; uint64_t totalspace = 0; uint64_t usedspace = 0; if (get_sd_state(true) != SDCARD_IDLE) { _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); _webserver->send(200, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"No SD Card\"}"); return; } set_sd_state(SDCARD_BUSY_PARSING); //get current path if(_webserver->hasArg("path")) { path += _webserver->arg("path") ; } //to have a clean path path.trim(); path.replace("//","/"); if (path[path.length()-1] !='/') { path +="/"; } //check if query need some action if(_webserver->hasArg("action")) { //delete a file if(_webserver->arg("action") == "delete" && _webserver->hasArg("filename")) { String filename; String shortname = _webserver->arg("filename"); filename = path + shortname; shortname.replace("/",""); filename.replace("//","/"); if(!SD.exists((char *)filename.c_str())) { sstatus = shortname + " does not exist!"; } else { if (SD.remove((char *)filename.c_str())) { sstatus = shortname + " deleted"; } else { sstatus = "Cannot deleted " ; sstatus+=shortname ; } } } //delete a directory if( _webserver->arg("action") == "deletedir" && _webserver->hasArg("filename")) { String filename; String shortname = _webserver->arg("filename"); shortname.replace("/",""); filename = path + "/" + shortname; filename.replace("//","/"); if (filename != "/") { if(!SD.exists((char *)filename.c_str())) { sstatus = shortname + " does not exist!"; } else { if (!deleteRecursive(filename)) { sstatus ="Error deleting: "; sstatus += shortname ; } else { sstatus = shortname ; sstatus+=" deleted"; } } } else { sstatus ="Cannot delete root"; } } //create a directory if( _webserver->arg("action")=="createdir" && _webserver->hasArg("filename")) { String filename; String shortname = _webserver->arg("filename"); filename = path + shortname; shortname.replace("/",""); filename.replace("//","/"); if(SD.exists((char *)filename.c_str())) { sstatus = shortname + " already exists!"; } else { if (!SD.mkdir((char *)filename.c_str())) { sstatus = "Cannot create "; sstatus += shortname ; } else { sstatus = shortname + " created"; } } } } //check if no need build file list if( _webserver->hasArg("dontlist")) { if( _webserver->arg("dontlist") == "yes") { list_files = false; } } String jsonfile = "{" ; jsonfile+="\"files\":["; if (path!="/")path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); if (path!="/" && !SD.exists((char *)path.c_str())) { String s = "{\"status\":\" "; s += path; s+= " does not exist on SD Card\"}"; _webserver->send(200, "application/json", s.c_str()); return; } if (list_files) { File dir = SD.open((char *)path.c_str()); if (!dir) { } if(!dir.isDirectory()) { dir.close(); } dir.rewindDirectory(); File entry = dir.openNextFile(); int i = 0; while(entry) { COMMANDS::wait (1); if (i>0) { jsonfile+=","; } jsonfile+="{\"name\":\""; String tmpname = entry.name(); int pos = tmpname.lastIndexOf("/"); tmpname = tmpname.substring(pos+1); jsonfile+=tmpname; jsonfile+="\",\"shortname\":\""; //No need here jsonfile+=tmpname; jsonfile+="\",\"size\":\""; if (entry.isDirectory()) { jsonfile+="-1"; } else { // files have sizes, directories do not jsonfile+=ESPResponseStream::formatBytes(entry.size()); } jsonfile+="\",\"datetime\":\""; //TODO - can be done later jsonfile+="\"}"; i++; entry.close(); entry = dir.openNextFile(); } dir.close(); } jsonfile+="],\"path\":\""; jsonfile+=path + "\","; jsonfile+="\"total\":\""; String stotalspace,susedspace; //SDCard are in GB or MB but no less totalspace = SD.totalBytes(); usedspace = SD.usedBytes(); stotalspace = ESPResponseStream::formatBytes(totalspace); susedspace = ESPResponseStream::formatBytes(usedspace+1); uint32_t occupedspace = 1; uint32_t usedspace2 = usedspace/(1024*1024); uint32_t totalspace2 = totalspace/(1024*1024); occupedspace = (usedspace2 * 100)/totalspace2; //minimum if even one byte is used is 1% if ( occupedspace <= 1) { occupedspace=1; } if (totalspace) { jsonfile+= stotalspace ; } else { jsonfile+= "-1"; } jsonfile+="\",\"used\":\""; jsonfile+= susedspace ; jsonfile+="\",\"occupation\":\""; if (totalspace) { jsonfile+= String(occupedspace); } else { jsonfile+= "-1"; } jsonfile+= "\","; jsonfile+= "\"mode\":\"direct\","; jsonfile+= "\"status\":\""; jsonfile+=sstatus + "\""; jsonfile+= "}"; _webserver->sendHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); _webserver->send (200, "application/json", jsonfile.c_str()); _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_NONE; set_sd_state(SDCARD_IDLE); } //SD File upload with direct access to SD/////////////////////////////// void Web_Server::SDFile_direct_upload() { static String filename ; static File sdUploadFile; //this is only for admin and user if (is_authenticated() == LEVEL_GUEST) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; _webserver->send(401, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"Authentication failed!\"}"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION, "Upload rejected", 401); } else { //retrieve current file id HTTPUpload& upload = _webserver->upload(); if((_upload_status != UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED)|| (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START)){ //Upload start //************** if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { _upload_status= UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING; filename= upload.filename; //on SD need to add / if not present if (filename[0]!='/') { filename= "/"+upload.filename; } //check if SD Card is available if ( get_sd_state(true) != SDCARD_IDLE) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload cancelled]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD_CANCELLED, "Upload cancelled"); } else { set_sd_state(SDCARD_BUSY_UPLOADING); //delete file on SD Card if already present if(SD.exists((char *)filename.c_str())) { SD.remove((char *)filename.c_str()); } String sizeargname = upload.filename + "S"; if (_webserver->hasArg (sizeargname.c_str()) ) { uint32_t filesize = _webserver->arg (sizeargname.c_str()).toInt(); uint64_t freespace = SD.totalBytes() - SD.usedBytes(); if (filesize > freespace) { _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload error]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, "Upload rejected, not enough space"); } } if (_upload_status != UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED){ //Create file for writing sdUploadFile = SD.open((char *)filename.c_str(), FILE_WRITE); //check if creation succeed if (!sdUploadFile) { //if creation failed _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload failed]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_CREATION, "File creation failed"); } //if creation succeed set flag UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING else { _upload_status= UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING; } } } //Upload write //************** } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_RATE_MS); if(sdUploadFile && (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING) && (get_sd_state(false) == SDCARD_BUSY_UPLOADING)) { //no error write post data if (upload.currentSize != sdUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize)) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload failed]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "File write failed"); } } else { //if error set flag UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload failed]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "File write failed"); } //Upload end //************** } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { //if file is open close it if(sdUploadFile) { sdUploadFile.close(); //TODO Check size String sizeargname = upload.filename + "S"; if (_webserver->hasArg (sizeargname.c_str()) ) { uint32_t filesize = 0; sdUploadFile = SD.open (filename.c_str(), FILE_READ); filesize = sdUploadFile.size(); sdUploadFile.close(); if (_webserver->arg (sizeargname.c_str()) != String(filesize)) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; pushError(ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD, "File upload mismatch"); grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload failed]\r\n"); } } } else { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload failed]\r\n"); pushError(ESP_ERROR_FILE_CLOSE, "File close failed"); } if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_ONGOING) { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL; set_sd_state(SDCARD_IDLE); } else { _upload_status = UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; pushError(ESP_ERROR_UPLOAD, "Upload error"); } } else {//Upload cancelled _upload_status=UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED; set_sd_state(SDCARD_IDLE); grbl_send(CLIENT_ALL,"[MSG:Upload failed]\r\n"); if(sdUploadFile) { sdUploadFile.close(); } return; } } } if (_upload_status == UPLOAD_STATUS_FAILED) { cancelUpload(); if(sdUploadFile) { sdUploadFile.close(); } if(SD.exists((char *)filename.c_str())) { SD.remove((char *)filename.c_str()); } set_sd_state(SDCARD_IDLE); } COMMANDS::wait(0); } #endif void Web_Server::handle(){ static uint32_t timeout = millis(); COMMANDS::wait(0); #ifdef ENABLE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL if(WiFi.getMode() != WIFI_STA){ dnsServer.processNextRequest(); } #endif if (_webserver)_webserver->handleClient(); if (_socket_server && _setupdone)_socket_server->loop(); if ((millis() - timeout) > 10000) { if (_socket_server){ String s = "PING:"; s+=String(_id_connection); _socket_server->broadcastTXT(s); timeout=millis(); } } } void Web_Server::handle_Websocket_Event(uint8_t num, uint8_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) { switch(type) { case WStype_DISCONNECTED: //USE_SERIAL.printf("[%u] Disconnected!\n", num); break; case WStype_CONNECTED: { IPAddress ip = _socket_server->remoteIP(num); //USE_SERIAL.printf("[%u] Connected from %d.%d.%d.%d url: %s\n", num, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], payload); String s = "CURRENT_ID:" + String(num); // send message to client _id_connection = num; _socket_server->sendTXT(_id_connection, s); s = "ACTIVE_ID:" + String(_id_connection); _socket_server->broadcastTXT(s); } break; case WStype_TEXT: //USE_SERIAL.printf("[%u] get Text: %s\n", num, payload); // send message to client // webSocket.sendTXT(num, "message here"); // send data to all connected clients // webSocket.broadcastTXT("message here"); break; case WStype_BIN: //USE_SERIAL.printf("[%u] get binary length: %u\n", num, length); //hexdump(payload, length); // send message to client // webSocket.sendBIN(num, payload, length); break; default: break; } } String Web_Server::get_Splited_Value(String data, char separator, int index) { int found = 0; int strIndex[] = {0, -1}; int maxIndex = data.length()-1; for(int i=0; i<=maxIndex && found<=index; i++){ if(data.charAt(i)==separator || i==maxIndex){ found++; strIndex[0] = strIndex[1]+1; strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i+1 : i; } } return found>index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : ""; } //helper to extract content type from file extension //Check what is the content tye according extension file String Web_Server::getContentType (String filename) { String file_name = filename; file_name.toLowerCase(); if (filename.endsWith (".htm") ) { return "text/html"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".html") ) { return "text/html"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".css") ) { return "text/css"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".js") ) { return "application/javascript"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".png") ) { return "image/png"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".gif") ) { return "image/gif"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".jpeg") ) { return "image/jpeg"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".jpg") ) { return "image/jpeg"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".ico") ) { return "image/x-icon"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".xml") ) { return "text/xml"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".pdf") ) { return "application/x-pdf"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".zip") ) { return "application/x-zip"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".gz") ) { return "application/x-gzip"; } else if (file_name.endsWith (".txt") ) { return "text/plain"; } return "application/octet-stream"; } //check authentification level_authenticate_type Web_Server::is_authenticated() { #ifdef ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION if (_webserver->hasHeader ("Cookie") ) { String cookie = _webserver->header ("Cookie"); int pos = cookie.indexOf ("ESPSESSIONID="); if (pos != -1) { int pos2 = cookie.indexOf (";", pos); String sessionID = cookie.substring (pos + strlen ("ESPSESSIONID="), pos2); IPAddress ip = _webserver->client().remoteIP(); //check if cookie can be reset and clean table in same time return ResetAuthIP (ip, sessionID.c_str() ); } } return LEVEL_GUEST; #else return LEVEL_ADMIN; #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION //add the information in the linked list if possible bool Web_Server::AddAuthIP (auth_ip * item) { if (_nb_ip > MAX_AUTH_IP) { return false; } item->_next = _head; _head = item; _nb_ip++; return true; } //Session ID based on IP and time using 16 char char * Web_Server::create_session_ID() { static char sessionID[17]; //reset SESSIONID for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { sessionID[i] = '\0'; } //get time uint32_t now = millis(); //get remote IP IPAddress remoteIP = _webserver->client().remoteIP(); //generate SESSIONID if (0 > sprintf (sessionID, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", remoteIP[0], remoteIP[1], remoteIP[2], remoteIP[3], (uint8_t) ( (now >> 0) & 0xff), (uint8_t) ( (now >> 8) & 0xff), (uint8_t) ( (now >> 16) & 0xff), (uint8_t) ( (now >> 24) & 0xff) ) ) { strcpy (sessionID, "NONE"); } return sessionID; } bool Web_Server::ClearAuthIP (IPAddress ip, const char * sessionID) { auth_ip * current = _head; auth_ip * previous = NULL; bool done = false; while (current) { if ( (ip == current->ip) && (strcmp (sessionID, current->sessionID) == 0) ) { //remove done = true; if (current == _head) { _head = current->_next; _nb_ip--; delete current; current = _head; } else { previous->_next = current->_next; _nb_ip--; delete current; current = previous->_next; } } else { previous = current; current = current->_next; } } return done; } //Get info auth_ip * Web_Server::GetAuth (IPAddress ip, const char * sessionID) { auth_ip * current = _head; //auth_ip * previous = NULL; //get time //uint32_t now = millis(); while (current) { if (ip == current->ip) { if (strcmp (sessionID, current->sessionID) == 0) { //found return current; } } //previous = current; current = current->_next; } return NULL; } //Review all IP to reset timers level_authenticate_type Web_Server::ResetAuthIP (IPAddress ip, const char * sessionID) { auth_ip * current = _head; auth_ip * previous = NULL; //get time //uint32_t now = millis(); while (current) { if ( (millis() - current->last_time) > 360000) { //remove if (current == _head) { _head = current->_next; _nb_ip--; delete current; current = _head; } else { previous->_next = current->_next; _nb_ip--; delete current; current = previous->_next; } } else { if (ip == current->ip) { if (strcmp (sessionID, current->sessionID) == 0) { //reset time current->last_time = millis(); return (level_authenticate_type) current->level; } } previous = current; current = current->_next; } } return LEVEL_GUEST; } #endif #endif // Enable HTTP && ENABLE_WIFI #endif // ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32