This file defines the [ESP...] style commands. They can be used via serial, Bluetooth or Wifi These are used for basic wireless settings as well as SD card commands Some commands need to be authenticated with a password. Authentication is optional via #define ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION in the config.h file. The default password is "admin" ============== Examples (assumes "admin" password): =============== Command: [ESP800]pwd=admin Reply: FW version:1.1f # FW target:grbl-embedded # FW HW:Direct SD # primary sd:/sd # secondary sd:none # authentication:yes # webcommunication: Sync: 81# hostname:grblesp Command: [ESP111] Reply: Command: [ESP121]pwd=admin Reply: 80 Command: [ESP121]pwd=admin Reply: 80 Command: [ESP121]81 pwd=admin Reply: ok Command: [ESP121]pwd=admin Reply: 81 =============== Command Reference ======================== * Set/Get STA SSID [ESP100]pwd= * Set STA Password [ESP101]pwd= * Set/Get STA IP mode (DHCP/STATIC) [ESP102]pwd= * Set/Get STA IP/Mask/GW [ESP103]IP= MSK= GW= pwd= * Set/Get AP SSID [ESP105]pwd= * Change AP Password [ESP106]pwd= * Set/Get AP IP [ESP107]pwd= * Set/Get AP channel [ESP108]pwd= * Set/Get radio state which can be STA, AP, BT, OFF [ESP110]pwd= * Get current IP [ESP111]
* Get/Set hostname [ESP112] pwd= * Get/Set immediate Radio (WiFi/BT) state which can be ON, OFF [ESP115]pwd= * Get/Set HTTP state which can be ON, OFF [ESP120]pwd= * Get/Set HTTP port [ESP121]pwd= * Get/Set Telnet state which can be ON, OFF [ESP130]pwd= * Get/Set Telnet port [ESP131]pwd= * Get/Set btname [ESP140]< Bluetooth name> pwd= * Get SD Card Status [ESP200] pwd= * Get SD Card Content [ESP210] pwd= * Delete SD Card file / directory [ESP215]pwd= * Print SD file [ESP220] pwd= *Get full EEPROM settings content but do not give any passwords [ESP400] pwd= *Set EEPROM setting position in EEPROM, type: B(byte), I(integer/long), S(string), A(IP address / mask) [ESP401]P= T= V= pwd= Positions: HOSTNAME_ENTRY "ESP_HOSTNAME" String STA_SSID_ENTRY "STA_SSID" String STA_PWD_ENTRY "STA_PWD" String STA_IP_ENTRY "STA_IP" IP STA_GW_ENTRY "STA_GW" IP STA_MK_ENTRY "STA_MK" IP ESP_WIFI_MODE "WIFI_MODE" Byte (0=OFF, STA=1, AP=2) AP_SSID_ENTRY "AP_SSID" String AP_PWD_ENTRY "AP_PWD" String AP_IP_ENTRY "AP_IP" IP AP_CHANNEL_ENTRY "AP_CHANNEL" Byte HTTP_ENABLE_ENTRY "HTTP_ON" Byte (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled) HTTP_PORT_ENTRY "HTTP_PORT" Integer TELNET_ENABLE_ENTRY "TELNET_ON" Byte (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled) TELNET_PORT_ENTRY "TELNET_PORT" Integer STA_IP_MODE_ENTRY "STA_IP_MODE" Byte (0=DHCP, 1=STATIC) *Get available AP list (limited to 30) output is JSON or plain text according parameter [ESP410] pwd= *Get current settings of ESP3D output is JSON or plain text according parameter [ESP420]pwd= * Restart ESP [ESP444]RESTART pwd= * Change / Reset user password [ESP555]pwd= if no password set it use default one * Send Notification [ESP600]msg [pwd=] * Set/Get Notification settings [ESP610]type= T1= T2= TS= [pwd=] Get will give type and settings only, not the protected T1/T2 * Read SPIFFS file and send each line to serial [ESP700] pwd= * Format SPIFFS [ESP710]FORMAT pwd= * SPIFFS total size and used size [ESP720]
pwd= * Get fw version and basic information [ESP800]