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2022-03-06 17:54:17 +01:00
serial.c - Low level functions for sending and recieving bytes via the serial port
Part of Grbl
Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Sungeun K. Jeon for Gnea Research LLC
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Simen Svale Skogsrud
Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Grbl. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "grbl.h"
uint8_t serial_rx_buffer[RX_RING_BUFFER];
uint8_t serial_rx_buffer_head = 0;
volatile uint8_t serial_rx_buffer_tail = 0;
uint8_t serial_tx_buffer[TX_RING_BUFFER];
uint8_t serial_tx_buffer_head = 0;
volatile uint8_t serial_tx_buffer_tail = 0;
// Returns the number of bytes available in the RX serial buffer.
uint8_t serial_get_rx_buffer_available()
uint8_t rtail = serial_rx_buffer_tail; // Copy to limit multiple calls to volatile
if (serial_rx_buffer_head >= rtail) { return(RX_BUFFER_SIZE - (serial_rx_buffer_head-rtail)); }
// Returns the number of bytes used in the RX serial buffer.
// NOTE: Deprecated. Not used unless classic status reports are enabled in config.h.
uint8_t serial_get_rx_buffer_count()
uint8_t rtail = serial_rx_buffer_tail; // Copy to limit multiple calls to volatile
if (serial_rx_buffer_head >= rtail) { return(serial_rx_buffer_head-rtail); }
return (RX_BUFFER_SIZE - (rtail-serial_rx_buffer_head));
// Returns the number of bytes used in the TX serial buffer.
// NOTE: Not used except for debugging and ensuring no TX bottlenecks.
uint8_t serial_get_tx_buffer_count()
uint8_t ttail = serial_tx_buffer_tail; // Copy to limit multiple calls to volatile
if (serial_tx_buffer_head >= ttail) { return(serial_tx_buffer_head-ttail); }
return (TX_RING_BUFFER - (ttail-serial_tx_buffer_head));
void serial_init()
// Set baud rate
#if BAUD_RATE < 57600
uint16_t UBRR0_value = ((F_CPU / (8L * BAUD_RATE)) - 1)/2 ;
UCSR0A &= ~(1 << U2X0); // baud doubler off - Only needed on Uno XXX
uint16_t UBRR0_value = ((F_CPU / (4L * BAUD_RATE)) - 1)/2;
UCSR0A |= (1 << U2X0); // baud doubler on for high baud rates, i.e. 115200
UBRR0H = UBRR0_value >> 8;
UBRR0L = UBRR0_value;
// enable rx, tx, and interrupt on complete reception of a byte
UCSR0B |= (1<<RXEN0 | 1<<TXEN0 | 1<<RXCIE0);
// defaults to 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
// Writes one byte to the TX serial buffer. Called by main program.
void serial_write(uint8_t data) {
// Calculate next head
uint8_t next_head = serial_tx_buffer_head + 1;
if (next_head == TX_RING_BUFFER) { next_head = 0; }
// Wait until there is space in the buffer
while (next_head == serial_tx_buffer_tail) {
// TODO: Restructure st_prep_buffer() calls to be executed here during a long print.
if (sys_rt_exec_state & EXEC_RESET) { return; } // Only check for abort to avoid an endless loop.
// Store data and advance head
serial_tx_buffer[serial_tx_buffer_head] = data;
serial_tx_buffer_head = next_head;
// Enable Data Register Empty Interrupt to make sure tx-streaming is running
UCSR0B |= (1 << UDRIE0);
// Data Register Empty Interrupt handler
uint8_t tail = serial_tx_buffer_tail; // Temporary serial_tx_buffer_tail (to optimize for volatile)
// Send a byte from the buffer
UDR0 = serial_tx_buffer[tail];
// Update tail position
if (tail == TX_RING_BUFFER) { tail = 0; }
serial_tx_buffer_tail = tail;
// Turn off Data Register Empty Interrupt to stop tx-streaming if this concludes the transfer
if (tail == serial_tx_buffer_head) { UCSR0B &= ~(1 << UDRIE0); }
// Fetches the first byte in the serial read buffer. Called by main program.
uint8_t serial_read()
uint8_t tail = serial_rx_buffer_tail; // Temporary serial_rx_buffer_tail (to optimize for volatile)
if (serial_rx_buffer_head == tail) {
} else {
uint8_t data = serial_rx_buffer[tail];
if (tail == RX_RING_BUFFER) { tail = 0; }
serial_rx_buffer_tail = tail;
return data;
uint8_t data = UDR0;
uint8_t next_head;
// Pick off realtime command characters directly from the serial stream. These characters are
// not passed into the main buffer, but these set system state flag bits for realtime execution.
switch (data) {
case CMD_RESET: mc_reset(); break; // Call motion control reset routine.
case CMD_STATUS_REPORT: system_set_exec_state_flag(EXEC_STATUS_REPORT); break; // Set as true
case CMD_CYCLE_START: system_set_exec_state_flag(EXEC_CYCLE_START); break; // Set as true
case CMD_FEED_HOLD: system_set_exec_state_flag(EXEC_FEED_HOLD); break; // Set as true
default :
if (data > 0x7F) { // Real-time control characters are extended ACSII only.
switch(data) {
case CMD_SAFETY_DOOR: system_set_exec_state_flag(EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR); break; // Set as true
if (sys.state & STATE_JOG) { // Block all other states from invoking motion cancel.
#ifdef DEBUG
case CMD_DEBUG_REPORT: {uint8_t sreg = SREG; cli(); bit_true(sys_rt_exec_debug,EXEC_DEBUG_REPORT); SREG = sreg;} break;
case CMD_FEED_OVR_RESET: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_FEED_OVR_RESET); break;
case CMD_FEED_OVR_COARSE_PLUS: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_FEED_OVR_COARSE_PLUS); break;
case CMD_FEED_OVR_COARSE_MINUS: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_FEED_OVR_COARSE_MINUS); break;
case CMD_FEED_OVR_FINE_PLUS: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_FEED_OVR_FINE_PLUS); break;
case CMD_FEED_OVR_FINE_MINUS: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_FEED_OVR_FINE_MINUS); break;
case CMD_RAPID_OVR_RESET: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_RAPID_OVR_RESET); break;
case CMD_RAPID_OVR_MEDIUM: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_RAPID_OVR_MEDIUM); break;
case CMD_RAPID_OVR_LOW: system_set_exec_motion_override_flag(EXEC_RAPID_OVR_LOW); break;
case CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_RESET: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_SPINDLE_OVR_RESET); break;
case CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_COARSE_PLUS: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_SPINDLE_OVR_COARSE_PLUS); break;
case CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_COARSE_MINUS: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_SPINDLE_OVR_COARSE_MINUS); break;
case CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_FINE_PLUS: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_SPINDLE_OVR_FINE_PLUS); break;
case CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_FINE_MINUS: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_SPINDLE_OVR_FINE_MINUS); break;
case CMD_SPINDLE_OVR_STOP: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_SPINDLE_OVR_STOP); break;
case CMD_COOLANT_FLOOD_OVR_TOGGLE: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_COOLANT_FLOOD_OVR_TOGGLE); break;
#ifdef ENABLE_M7
case CMD_COOLANT_MIST_OVR_TOGGLE: system_set_exec_accessory_override_flag(EXEC_COOLANT_MIST_OVR_TOGGLE); break;
// Throw away any unfound extended-ASCII character by not passing it to the serial buffer.
} else { // Write character to buffer
next_head = serial_rx_buffer_head + 1;
if (next_head == RX_RING_BUFFER) { next_head = 0; }
// Write data to buffer unless it is full.
if (next_head != serial_rx_buffer_tail) {
serial_rx_buffer[serial_rx_buffer_head] = data;
serial_rx_buffer_head = next_head;
void serial_reset_read_buffer()
serial_rx_buffer_tail = serial_rx_buffer_head;