2022-03-06 17:54:17 +01:00

249 lines
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gcode.h - rs274/ngc parser.
Part of Grbl
Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Sungeun K. Jeon for Gnea Research LLC
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Simen Svale Skogsrud
Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#ifndef gcode_h
#define gcode_h
// Define modal group internal numbers for checking multiple command violations and tracking the
// type of command that is called in the block. A modal group is a group of g-code commands that are
// mutually exclusive, or cannot exist on the same line, because they each toggle a state or execute
// a unique motion. These are defined in the NIST RS274-NGC v3 g-code standard, available online,
// and are similar/identical to other g-code interpreters by manufacturers (Haas,Fanuc,Mazak,etc).
// NOTE: Modal group define values must be sequential and starting from zero.
#define MODAL_GROUP_G0 0 // [G4,G10,G28,G28.1,G30,G30.1,G53,G92,G92.1] Non-modal
#define MODAL_GROUP_G1 1 // [G0,G1,G2,G3,G38.2,G38.3,G38.4,G38.5,G80] Motion
#define MODAL_GROUP_G2 2 // [G17,G18,G19] Plane selection
#define MODAL_GROUP_G3 3 // [G90,G91] Distance mode
#define MODAL_GROUP_G4 4 // [G91.1] Arc IJK distance mode
#define MODAL_GROUP_G5 5 // [G93,G94] Feed rate mode
#define MODAL_GROUP_G6 6 // [G20,G21] Units
#define MODAL_GROUP_G7 7 // [G40] Cutter radius compensation mode. G41/42 NOT SUPPORTED.
#define MODAL_GROUP_G8 8 // [G43.1,G49] Tool length offset
#define MODAL_GROUP_G12 9 // [G54,G55,G56,G57,G58,G59] Coordinate system selection
#define MODAL_GROUP_G13 10 // [G61] Control mode
#define MODAL_GROUP_M4 11 // [M0,M1,M2,M30] Stopping
#define MODAL_GROUP_M7 12 // [M3,M4,M5] Spindle turning
#define MODAL_GROUP_M8 13 // [M7,M8,M9] Coolant control
#define MODAL_GROUP_M9 14 // [M56] Override control
// Define command actions for within execution-type modal groups (motion, stopping, non-modal). Used
// internally by the parser to know which command to execute.
// NOTE: Some macro values are assigned specific values to make g-code state reporting and parsing
// compile a litte smaller. Necessary due to being completely out of flash on the 328p. Although not
// ideal, just be careful with values that state 'do not alter' and check both report.c and gcode.c
// to see how they are used, if you need to alter them.
// Modal Group G0: Non-modal actions
#define NON_MODAL_NO_ACTION 0 // (Default: Must be zero)
#define NON_MODAL_DWELL 4 // G4 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_SET_COORDINATE_DATA 10 // G10 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_0 28 // G28 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_SET_HOME_0 38 // G28.1 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_GO_HOME_1 30 // G30 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_SET_HOME_1 40 // G30.1 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_ABSOLUTE_OVERRIDE 53 // G53 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_SET_COORDINATE_OFFSET 92 // G92 (Do not alter value)
#define NON_MODAL_RESET_COORDINATE_OFFSET 102 //G92.1 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G1: Motion modes
#define MOTION_MODE_SEEK 0 // G0 (Default: Must be zero)
#define MOTION_MODE_LINEAR 1 // G1 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_CW_ARC 2 // G2 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC 3 // G3 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_PROBE_TOWARD 140 // G38.2 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_PROBE_TOWARD_NO_ERROR 141 // G38.3 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_PROBE_AWAY 142 // G38.4 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_PROBE_AWAY_NO_ERROR 143 // G38.5 (Do not alter value)
#define MOTION_MODE_NONE 80 // G80 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G2: Plane select
#define PLANE_SELECT_XY 0 // G17 (Default: Must be zero)
#define PLANE_SELECT_ZX 1 // G18 (Do not alter value)
#define PLANE_SELECT_YZ 2 // G19 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G3: Distance mode
#define DISTANCE_MODE_ABSOLUTE 0 // G90 (Default: Must be zero)
#define DISTANCE_MODE_INCREMENTAL 1 // G91 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G4: Arc IJK distance mode
#define DISTANCE_ARC_MODE_INCREMENTAL 0 // G91.1 (Default: Must be zero)
// Modal Group M4: Program flow
#define PROGRAM_FLOW_RUNNING 0 // (Default: Must be zero)
#define PROGRAM_FLOW_OPTIONAL_STOP 1 // M1 NOTE: Not supported, but valid and ignored.
#define PROGRAM_FLOW_COMPLETED_M2 2 // M2 (Do not alter value)
#define PROGRAM_FLOW_COMPLETED_M30 30 // M30 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G5: Feed rate mode
#define FEED_RATE_MODE_UNITS_PER_MIN 0 // G94 (Default: Must be zero)
#define FEED_RATE_MODE_INVERSE_TIME 1 // G93 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G6: Units mode
#define UNITS_MODE_MM 0 // G21 (Default: Must be zero)
#define UNITS_MODE_INCHES 1 // G20 (Do not alter value)
// Modal Group G7: Cutter radius compensation mode
#define CUTTER_COMP_DISABLE 0 // G40 (Default: Must be zero)
// Modal Group G13: Control mode
#define CONTROL_MODE_EXACT_PATH 0 // G61 (Default: Must be zero)
// Modal Group M7: Spindle control
#define SPINDLE_DISABLE 0 // M5 (Default: Must be zero)
#define SPINDLE_ENABLE_CW PL_COND_FLAG_SPINDLE_CW // M3 (NOTE: Uses planner condition bit flag)
#define SPINDLE_ENABLE_CCW PL_COND_FLAG_SPINDLE_CCW // M4 (NOTE: Uses planner condition bit flag)
// Modal Group M8: Coolant control
#define COOLANT_DISABLE 0 // M9 (Default: Must be zero)
#define COOLANT_FLOOD_ENABLE PL_COND_FLAG_COOLANT_FLOOD // M8 (NOTE: Uses planner condition bit flag)
#define COOLANT_MIST_ENABLE PL_COND_FLAG_COOLANT_MIST // M7 (NOTE: Uses planner condition bit flag)
// Modal Group G8: Tool length offset
#define TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET_CANCEL 0 // G49 (Default: Must be zero)
// Modal Group M9: Override control
#define OVERRIDE_DISABLED 0 // (Default: Must be zero)
#define OVERRIDE_PARKING_MOTION 0 // M56 (Default: Must be zero)
#define OVERRIDE_DISABLED 1 // Parking disabled.
// Modal Group G12: Active work coordinate system
// N/A: Stores coordinate system value (54-59) to change to.
// Define parameter word mapping.
#define WORD_F 0
#define WORD_I 1
#define WORD_J 2
#define WORD_K 3
#define WORD_L 4
#define WORD_N 5
#define WORD_P 6
#define WORD_R 7
#define WORD_S 8
#define WORD_T 9
#define WORD_X 10
#define WORD_Y 11
#define WORD_Z 12
// Define g-code parser position updating flags
#define GC_UPDATE_POS_TARGET 0 // Must be zero
// Define probe cycle exit states and assign proper position updating.
// Define gcode parser flags for handling special cases.
#define GC_PARSER_NONE 0 // Must be zero.
#define GC_PARSER_JOG_MOTION bit(0)
#define GC_PARSER_PROBE_IS_AWAY bit(3)
// NOTE: When this struct is zeroed, the above defines set the defaults for the system.
typedef struct {
uint8_t motion; // {G0,G1,G2,G3,G38.2,G80}
uint8_t feed_rate; // {G93,G94}
uint8_t units; // {G20,G21}
uint8_t distance; // {G90,G91}
// uint8_t distance_arc; // {G91.1} NOTE: Don't track. Only default supported.
uint8_t plane_select; // {G17,G18,G19}
// uint8_t cutter_comp; // {G40} NOTE: Don't track. Only default supported.
uint8_t tool_length; // {G43.1,G49}
uint8_t coord_select; // {G54,G55,G56,G57,G58,G59}
// uint8_t control; // {G61} NOTE: Don't track. Only default supported.
uint8_t program_flow; // {M0,M1,M2,M30}
uint8_t coolant; // {M7,M8,M9}
uint8_t spindle; // {M3,M4,M5}
uint8_t override; // {M56}
} gc_modal_t;
typedef struct {
float f; // Feed
float ijk[3]; // I,J,K Axis arc offsets
uint8_t l; // G10 or canned cycles parameters
int32_t n; // Line number
float p; // G10 or dwell parameters
// float q; // G82 peck drilling
float r; // Arc radius
float s; // Spindle speed
uint8_t t; // Tool selection
float xyz[3]; // X,Y,Z Translational axes
} gc_values_t;
typedef struct {
gc_modal_t modal;
float spindle_speed; // RPM
float feed_rate; // Millimeters/min
uint8_t tool; // Tracks tool number. NOT USED.
int32_t line_number; // Last line number sent
float position[N_AXIS]; // Where the interpreter considers the tool to be at this point in the code
float coord_system[N_AXIS]; // Current work coordinate system (G54+). Stores offset from absolute machine
// position in mm. Loaded from EEPROM when called.
float coord_offset[N_AXIS]; // Retains the G92 coordinate offset (work coordinates) relative to
// machine zero in mm. Non-persistent. Cleared upon reset and boot.
float tool_length_offset; // Tracks tool length offset value when enabled.
} parser_state_t;
extern parser_state_t gc_state;
typedef struct {
uint8_t non_modal_command;
gc_modal_t modal;
gc_values_t values;
} parser_block_t;
// Initialize the parser
void gc_init();
// Execute one block of rs275/ngc/g-code
uint8_t gc_execute_line(char *line);
// Set g-code parser position. Input in steps.
void gc_sync_position();